12 July 2013 San Francisco- ADCOM 1 TransNational Committee report Patrick Le Dû ( IN2P3/CNRS)
What TNC can do for NPSS? a revisited goal of my chairmanship Establish good and stable contact with some active and influent representatives of local countries and national communities. Use any event (conference/schools…) to attrack, recruit and educate members that can become reviewers, convenors, possible TC members …and get experiences about NPSS activities Use membership statistics and feedback from local/regional events to be accessible to future organizors 12 July 2013 San Francisco- ADCOM 2
Europe & R8 Landscape –Well known after more than 15 years Many experiences and reliable contacts with France,Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal …. Need to increase our relationship with UK TNC R Membership reduced from 13 8 Conferences & events –2013 ANIMMA Marseille (F) June RADECS Oxford (UK) Sept –2014 NSREC- Paris (France) July NSREC- Paris (France) July IPAC Dresden (Germany) RADECS (Moscow) Recent and on going actions –UK meeting on Monday July 8th, 2013 at ICR London Organized by Prof. Cinzia Davia (Manchester) 10 participants. Landscape of UK for the next NSS-MIC in Europe after Strasbourg 12 July 2013 eSan Francisco- ADCOM 3 –2015 ICOPS Turkey ANIMMA (Lisbon (P) RADECS GE (TBD) –2016 RT Padova (IT) NSS-MIC Strasbourg (F) –2017 ANIMMA Manchester (UK)
Asia-Pacific (R10) Landscape –Still a ‘new’ area but start to get a lcollection of different experiences TNC membership (4) –Zhen An Liu (IHEP-Beijing), Masa Nomachi (Osaka-Japan),.Guysong Cho (Korea), Anatoly Rozenfeld (Australia) Conferences & events –2013 EDIT (ICFA) School (KEK-Japan) SCINT - Shanghai (China) April IPAC Shanghai (China) – May NSS-MIC - Seoul (Korea) - oct 27 - Nov 2 Actions –Analysis of statistics, feedbacks from recent conferences –Special ‘exchange’ during TNC annual meeting in Seoul (NSS-MIC) 12 July 2013 San Francisco- ADCOM 4 –2014 RTC Nara Japan and Student school (Osaka) –2015 ICALEPCS - Melbourne (Australia) – October`
South America (R9) Landscape –Nothing yet – the desert !!!! –But Brazil (for example) is a country that we cannot ignore in the future TNC member (1) –Prof. Gabriella Hoff from medical field (Porto Allegre) –Regular contact by ‘Skype’ –Some nexw cotact during the recent ANIMMA (Prof from Recife) Conferences & events –??? Actions ? –Organize a Summer school? –Presentation during TNC meeting in Seoul 12 July 2013 San Francisco- ADCOM 5
12 July 2013 San Francisco- ADCOM 6 Some ‘early feedback’ –330 abstracts/490 registrants (226/300 for the 2011 Ghent) –70 % of participants are coming from the Nuclear Engineering community (research reactors, Nuclear power reactors,Nuclear fuel cycle. –Sites and organizors for 2015 (Lisbon) and 2017 selected ( Manchester) Prof Bruno Gonçalves (IPFN-ITER) Chair of 2015 was former RTC2010 co-chair) –Summer school in discussion for 2014,2015 or 2016 Bulgaria,Slovenia,Marocco ? One of the highlight: The new topic Severe accident monitoring NPSS in ANIMMA recognize as one of the main ‘sponsor of the conference’ MOU signed ! NPSS booth membership and editor desk –(Dora Merelli, Jean Luc, Christoph and myself)
ANIMMA 2013 NPSS booth 12 July 2013 San Francisco- ADCOM 7 Publication Membership
Summary of future actions Next ADCOM (Seoul) –Before ADCOM TNC Annual meeting devoted mainly to Asia –Asian survey can we invite Zhen An Liu during the TNC presentation? 2014 March Santa Fe ADCOM –Membeship around the world (with the help of Jean Luc Leray) –‘Summer school’ 2014 Paris ADCOM –I would propose to organize a special ‘retreat’ the day before the official ADCOM (Friday July 18th) between some European past and future conference organizors and ADCOM ‘interested’ members 12 July 2013 San Francisco- ADCOM 8