IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI- ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA: HOW TO ENGAGE FARMER? Gediminas Almantas Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania Conference,,Nature.


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Presentation transcript:

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI- ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA: HOW TO ENGAGE FARMER? Gediminas Almantas Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania Conference,,Nature coservation and the EU policy for sustainable land management in the new EU Member States’’ June 16-20, Bonn/Germany

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL SCHEMES IN : Management of shore belts of water bodies Landscape stewardship –management of natural and semi-natural meadows –managements of wetlands Organic farming Endangered breeds

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA YEAR Management of shore belts of water bodies nr. of contracts area, ha ,5 Landscape stewardship nr. of contracts area, ha Organic farming nr. of contracts area, ha Endangered breeds nr. of contracts nr. of animals

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA Reasons of weak participation of farmers: –lack of information and knowledge –little choice of schemes –problems with land lease –bureaucratic burden –insufficient support level –strict requirements

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL SCHEMES FOR : Management of shore belts of water bodies Organic farming Endangered breeds Landscape stewardship –management of natural and semi-natural meadows – managements of wetlands –stubbly fields in winter season –strips of melliferous plants in the arable land –management of the holding landscape elements Scheme for improwing the status of water bodies at risk

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA Next steps To intensify training the consultants. To prepare the training programmes. To reduce number of documents. To simplify procedures of submission of applications. To increase number of schemes. To involve NGOs To work with farmers individually.

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