Stand initiation: South facing hillside, kept open by moisture limitations + repeated fires, Douglas-fir slowly invading (Kalamopsis Wilderness)
Stand initiation: Natural regeneration 5 years after windstorm w/ salvage harvesting; no site preparation, no planting (Black Forest, Germany)
Stratification after Disturbance (clearcut) Quaking Aspen (natural regeneration) overtoppting Red pine (planted) (MN)
Stem exclusion 90-year old Red pine, natural regeneration w/o thinning Basal area: appr. 270 square feet/acre (MN)
Stem exclusion: Managed beech stand, naturally regenerated, repeated thinnings, kept dense to prevent understory vegetation (Black Forest, Germany)
Understory inititation: Balsam fir invading quaking aspen stand (MN)
Understory initiation (by same species as overstory): Eastern white pine regeneration under Eastern White pine, repeated fires kept understory open (MN)
Late understory initiation: Balsam fir under Quaking aspen (MN)
Understory initiation: Cleared gap shows extend of understory vegetation (mostly hazel) under 70-year old Douglas-fir