Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Super B Factory workshop Round Table Guy Wormser LAL Orsay
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Charge Super B Physics Case Technical implementation Project organization What are the next steps to succeed
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Preamble Entering a very exciting period with a conjunction of –Very profound scientific agenda –Very powerful tools to make breakthroughs: LHC, ILC, Planck, large double beta decays and direct Dark matter experiments Significant changes in accelerator based HEP worldwide landscape –Globalization –Reduced number of machines, experiments, large laboratories An international very ambitious superb Factory is very appropriate in the future HEP landscape
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Super B Physics case Mission statement : Understand the flavour sector of the new « beyond standard model » physics, soon to be discovered at the LHC –Important to do so because it is already apparent that this sector is strongly constrained: unknown symmetry principles at work that should be unveiled –Needed Sensitivity: BSM effects are driven by phase/mass. Super B must be able to cover TeV mass range and phases as small as in SM (Minimum Flavour Violation Model) Two scenarios: a)mass scale is measured at LHC/ILC, either directly or indirectly: SuperB provides key information of NP flavor sector either by finding BSM signals or by very strong constraints on the flavour sector, in order to discover the underlying symmetry b)Only lower limit of mass scale is given at LHC/ILC. A deviation from SM at superB extends the reach if phases are large Concede that there is limited stand alone impact: no retroengineering Always try to present sensitivies in form of mass reach
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Physics case (II) Best sensitivity for Lepton flavor violation –Relation to neutrino sector, lepto-genesis,.. We know that SM CP violation can not be the end of the story because does not explain matter/antimatter asymetry but BABAR/BELLE showed that it is suprisingly almost all the story! Need for a very diverse search for BSM effects. Of course, all the clues from BABAR/BELLE constitue a very good starting point
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Physics case conclusion The physics case has been qualified as « very important » by the European Strategy group, which means: This machine must be sold in a « post LHC » world, (not necessarily implying that it can be approved only after LHC results are known) « No loose » theorem: BSM phases are small or large: either very strong contribution to discover the underlying totally unknown symmetry principles or extend mass range above LHC/ILC Best sensitivity in Lepton Flavor Violation, to be connected if possible to leptogenesis and neutrino Beware : Physics case solid only in the 10** 36 range
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Can this project become real? YES, but only in a OPPORTUNISTIC manner –Exploit regional strategical need, such as: KEK wants to continue to have a world first class machine on its site in the period A country (eg Italy) wants to invest on a mid-size world class facility on its soil B-factory is part of an enlarged global ILC siting negociation –And/or very good re-use of existing material to make it cheaper PEP-II hardware, already existing tunnel and lab infrastructure (HERA/DESY, KEKB, PEPII, Tevatron/Fermilab), BABAR or BELLE detector elements –And/or strong need claimed by a first priority project ILC states that it needs a real size damping ring prototype Must not COMPETE with, or SLOW DOWN, ILC approval
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Scientific Activities (6) 8.Flavour physics and precision measurements at the high-luminosity frontier at lower energies complement our understanding of particle physics and allow for a more accurate interpretation of the results at the high- energy frontier; these should be led by national or regional collaborations, and the participation of European laboratories and institutes should be promoted.
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006
US EPP2010
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Technical implementation Super KEKB: Ball in KEK camp, be very ambitious: the physics case is solid only in the 10**36 range! But very difficult to conceive a detector able to perform beautifully if present background conditions have to be ~directly extrapolated! INFN initiative : two new good points (that can be reused by KEK) –Possible synergy with ILC technology and project –High lumi with potentially tolerable background conditions The community should be opportunistic and support fully the most realistic one
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Project organization Hera model vs global project Definitely go for the HERA model! –Only possible exception : SuperB is included in the ILC siting package deal One country must unilateraly decide to commit building this machine and put at least 60% of the money on the table (cf Germany for XFEL, FAIR). Will be much easier if this country (or club of countries) offers to pay running costs as well Such a scheme for such a machine is explicitly encouraged in the European Strategy document
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Charge for the community Continue to develop the physics case along the proposed guidelines Be very supportive of LHC/ILC programs! Be imaginative to create opportunities (tunnels, harware, synergies,..) Exploit exciting hints from BABAR/BELLE legacy Consider joint statement from the community along the conclusions of this workshop, based on the various strategy documents. Timing driven by KEK, INFN, … needs
Guy Wormser, SuperB workshop, 25 July 2006 Situation in France Significant interest in the physics community Do not expect a large financial contribution to the project Possible participation in machine and MDI studies LAL Orsay looks positively to a Super B initiative