Imperialism What is it? Look up the definition of IMPERIALISM
US Imperialism…How Did We Get Involved? It all started with this little guy…
You’re probably wondering how this weird character could have catapulted US Imperialism…here is the story…
Selling the News Joseph Pulitzer VS. William Randolph Hearst Two major publishers in competition with each other
Where does the cartoon fit in? Pulitzer had a cartoonist who created a slum child—it was popular!! Pulitzer was the publisher of the NEW YORK WORLD Hearst was publisher of the NEW YORK JOURNAL
BACKSTABBER!!!!! The gap in circulation of the two newspapers was closing! But then…. The cartoonist was LURED by Hearst to work for the journal SCANDULOUS!!!
NO WORRIES, THOUGH Another cartoonist was hired by Pulitzer to continue the comic….WHEW! BUT…newspaper WAR continued and even was one of the causes of entering into war!
“I’LL FURNISH THE WAR!” Both dispatched journalists to Cuba Cuba belonged to Spain Hearst hired a well- known painter to draw pictures of colonial oppression…but the painter said it didn’t exist! He wanted to come home!
Hearst said in reply…. “Please remain. You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war.” In 1896, McKinley ordered the battleship Maine into Havana Harbor to protect American interests.