You are the only survivors.
Where is this?
Take a good look.
Keep thinking.
Still not sure?
Have no fear…
Wall-E is here! He needs our help…
Our mission- To discover life forms at this location To discover life forms at this location Find specimens / Record locations Find specimens / Record locations Describe specimens Describe specimens Photograph / Sketch Photograph / Sketch Record data Record data Organize data in Excel Organize data in Excel Map data using GIS Map data using GIS Draw conclusions Draw conclusions
What do we need to get started? Understanding of GIS Hand held GPS & knowledge of how it’s used Map of the area “Wall-E” measuring device Pencil Data Sheet Good observation skills
GPS units are combination radio receivers and automagic calculators. The units are tuned to receive time signals sent by a set of 24 satellites on orbit around Earth. By comparing the time it takes for signals from 4 or more of the satellites to reach the receiver, the unit calculates its position. Gathering Location Data with a GPS receiver
Public domain visualization generated by El Pak - available from Wikipedia Commons
2. Press and hold OK 3. You’ve recorded the location 5. Press OK again to dismiss the MARK screen 1. Find a Life form 4. WRITE DOWN your data, including the elevation, latitude, longitude, and other characteristics
From GPS unit Recording your Data
Observations and measurements Recording your Data
To retrieve your location data 1. Highlight “Waypoints” 2. Press 3. Use arrows to Choose “Nearest” 4. Press OK to display waypoint 5. Check your data 6. To view you next waypoint, press the Page button then arrow down
Let’s get ready!