THE AGE OF U.S. IMPERIALISM “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” - T. Roosevelt.


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Presentation transcript:

THE AGE OF U.S. IMPERIALISM “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” - T. Roosevelt

IMPERIALISM - definitions 1. Imperialism = the quest to build up a territorial empire. 2. Imperialism = control by powerful nation(s) over a less advanced or less civilized area.

POWERFUL NATION USUALLY CHARACTERIZED BY Advanced Economy (Industrial) Strong Government Considerable Military Strength

The “Less Advanced” Area CHARACTERIZED BY Primitive economy (pre-industrial) Underdeveloped natural resources Weak government Limited military power *Imperialism has also been called Colonialism

BACKGROUND - Imperialism US. Imperialism – response to European Imperialism 1. Fundamental Cause: Industrial Revolution Industrialized nations desired colonies to provide: a) cheap supply of raw materials b) a market for the mother country’s goods c) large profits w/ minimum risk on investment of SURPLUS CAPITAL

2. Other Causes: Used NATIONALIST arguments to gains support for EMPIRE BUILDING. a) gain glory & achieve a “place in the Sun” b) secure essential military bases & war materials c) provide an outlet for surplus population d) provide safety - missionaries spread Christianity E) bring to the backward areas the “blessings of the civilized culture” of the West [Europe & USA]

This “Duty” of the West Labeled by RUDYARD KIPLING as The “White Man’s Burden”

REASONS for U.S. turn to IMPERIALISM 1) Industrial Revolution 2) Closing of the FRONTIER – leads investors to look elsewhere for economic opportunity

The U.S. in Latin America

In the late 1800’s, the United States began to intervene in the affairs of its southern neighbors U.S. helps Cuba gain its independence from Spain. As a result of the Spanish- American War, Puerto Rico is annexed by the U.S. and Cuba becomes a U.S. protectorate. (Spain also sales the Philippines to the U.S. for $20 million and “gives” Guam to the U.S.) Theodore Roosevelt supported a rebellion that allowed Panama to gain its independence from Columbia. In return, the U.S. was granted the right to build a canal through Panama connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. This gave the U.S. the right to intervene in any Latin American nation guilty of “chronic misconduct” (such as the inability to repay debts) President Woodrow Wilson sends U.S. troops under the command of Gen. John J. Pershing into Mexico to find and capture Pancho Villa for the murder of 16 Americans in Columbus, New Mexico.

Dollar Diplomacy = using a nation’s economic power to influence other countries. Associated with Taft & subsequent presidents D OLLAR D IPLOMACY