Unit 5: Industrialization 8. Arguments Against American Imperialism
Lesson Objective SWBAT evaluate the arguments in opposition to American imperialism in the Philippines.
Word of the Day/Initial Activity Opposition Resistance through action or argument Imperialism How did England benefit from having America as a colony? Chart & Share Out Discussion After its experience with the Revolutionary war, why would America desire to establish its own colonies and spheres of influence? How would this desperate feeling affect the way you acted physically?
Activity 1: Anti-Imperialism Arguments Jigsaw Focus Question: How did Americans argue against imperialism? Read Anti-Imperialism Arguments Jigsaw Read your section of the reading and fill in your graphic organizer. When read, fill in your section on the board Describe your argument against imperialism Extension Activity Which of the arguments against imperialism do you believe is the stronger? Share Out
Anti-Imperialism QuickWrite/ Turn & Talk 2 minute to write down a response to this question: If there are so many strong arguments against imperialism, why would America still practice it? Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner Share Out
Activity 2: Anti-Imperialism Arguments Focus Question: How did Anti-Imperialists argue against annexation of the Philippines? Read Anti-Imperialism Arguments How did Anti-Imperialists argue against America taking over the Philippines? Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze Extension Activity Why would America desire to take over the Philippines when there are so many drawbacks to imperialism? Share Out
Mini-Lesson 1. Arguments Against Imperialism a. Supporting an empire would be expensive b. US needs to focus on its own problems at home a. segregation and urbanization c. Non-whites would have difficulty assimilating into society d. Imperialism means more wars e. Imperialism violates democratic principles and independence. a. America believes in: a. Natural rights b. Power of the people c. Social contract theory
Summary Exit Ticket During the late 19th century, the growth of capitalism encouraged United States imperialism because of the desire of business to obtain new markets for American products compete with foreign industries provide humanitarian aid to poor nations industrialize underdeveloped nations 2) Share with me one thing that you find interesting from class today. Why do you find it interesting? 3) Share with me one-way in which the information from class today affects your life today.