Imperialism in America Chapter 18 Section 1
I American Imperialism Imperialism= policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories Most American already bought into this idea with Manifest Destiny – Economic – Political/military – Racial/cultural superiority
A. Thirst for New markets Advances in tech. allows US to produce more than it can consume (overproduction) Need raw material to keep up production & new markets to sell its goods Imperialists saw foreign trade as solution to overproduction US achieves goal of exporting more than it imports making it a leading econ power
B. Desire for Military Strength Advocated strong US Navy to protect peacetime shipping routes that were vital to American econ growth – Strategically located bases for refuel – Construction of canal on Isthmus of Panama Modern battle ships transform US into 3 rd largest naval power in world
C. Belief in Anglo Saxon Superiority Combined Social Darwinism with racial superiority – Argues that the US had responsibility to spread christianity and civiliztion to “inferior” ppl Clearly recist because it defined civilization according to the standards of ONE CULTURE: THE US
D. Anti-imperialism Some saw imperialism as threat to American Anglo Saxon Heritage Other objecte don moral & practical grounds – Nothin justified domination of another nation by the US – Nations claimed by the US not given US constitutional protection
II the United States Takes Hawaii Americans own plantation on majority of island White planter profited from trading w/ US – No duty on sugar from Hawaii into US Business leaders force change to constitution allowing only white land owners to vote – American business men control Hawaii’s gov’t US forces construction of naval base at Pearl harbor McKinley Tariff eliminates duty free sugar from Hawaiir comp from Cuabn sugar – Am. planters call for annexation of Hawaii to eliminate duty on sugar
B. Queen is Deposed King Kalakaua dies Queen Liliuokalani proposed new constitution removing property qualifications for voting – Attempting to give power back to native Hawaiians American businessmen org. revolution against queen w/ support from US ambassador – Ambassador recognizes Hawaiian gov’t pres. Cleveland recognizes Rep. of Hawaii but does not annex it McKinley succeeds Cleveland and Congress proclaims Hawaii an Amer. territory US turns attention to Cuba