PHOTO RESTORATION PROJECT Collect, Research, Write, Restore
For this assignment you need to locate 2 old family photographs that are discolored, torn, scratched, or ruined in some way. The photographs you choose may include people, pets, places, objects, or all of the above. Using the retouching tools in Photoshop, you will restore the images, the best way you can. You will also share the story of 1 photograph.
FIND 2 OLD FAMILY PHOTOS Taken BEFORE 1950 Photos need to be in bad shape – Aged – Discolored – Cracked – Ripped/torn – Scratched
Restore: You will… SCAN your photos and restore them with the healing tools in PS.
Research and WRITE: Interview your family about one of these photos It is your job to talk to your family about one photograph. Find out as much as you possibly can about the people, place, pet, or object that is in the photograph.
What is the subject of this photograph? (People, Places, Object) What year was this taken? Is this photograph recording a special event or moment? (If there are people) Are they related to me? If so, How? How old were they when this was taken? (If this a place) Where is it? How/Why is this (the subject) significant to our family history? How often were photographs taken in your family? For what occasions? Who owned a camera?
From your interview… Write a 1 Page Narrative This paper is worth 100 pts! Same as a photo project.
DEADLINES PHOTOS DUE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16 TYPED WRITTEN PAPER DUE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18- You will automatically receive 100 pts if you make this deadline. We will Edit photos in Ps for about 5 days.