Why Inquiry? Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model. Abdul KalamAbdul Kalam
Why Inquiry? “The meaning of ‘knowing’ has shifted from being able to remember and repeat information to being able to find and use it.” (National Research Council, 2007)
What is Inquiry Based Learning? Inquiry Based Learning is a student- centred teaching approach focused on questioning, thinking and problem solving. Students find answers “to important questions about school subject matter” (Harvey and Daniels, 2009)
Inquiry Based LearningTraditional Using and learning content Focused on mastery of content Student centredTeacher centred Students are involved in the construction of knowledge through active involvement Students are receivers of information Students ask questions from higher level of Bloom’s Taxonomy Students ask questions from lower level of Bloom’s Taxonomy Teacher as guide and facilitator Teacher as sage Utilizes multiple resources (transliteracy) Relies heavily on teacher selected resources
Alberta Learning, 2004
Inquiry Based Learning is important because: Students are engaged and active in their learning which results in a deeper understanding of content Student achievement is improved (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2001) Creativity and independence are developed (Kuhne, 1995)
Students acquire skills to be thinkers Students adapt to demands of changing information and technologies
Getting Started by: Modelling our Inquisitiveness Learning the Inquiry Model Asking Questions Teaching research skills Practicing comprehension strategies for informational text