In a piece of paper, write what you know about Muhammad’s life. Then some of you will share your answer with the class. You have 5 minutes…
Muhammad was born on the Arabian Peninsula, in the city of Mecca. Deserts Oases Costa plain Mountains
Humble one His parents died when he was very little He was send to live with his uncle Abu Talib in the desert There he worked as merchant, and shepherd He was married when he was 25 Had 13 wives
When the angel Gabriel appeared, he told Muhammad to prophesy in the name of Lord
Muhammad was the one who created the religion of Islam The Islam means: peace, acceptation, compromise, and purism. For Muslims, Islam is life.
Temple called Kaaba In this religion they adored Allah, their God. The Koran is like the Bible for Christians. Islam: 2 nd most important religion.
‘’ God is the creator of everything and who watches over all that exists. His are the keys of heaven and earth” (Koran 39: 62-63)
The Hegira: Muhammad’s journey 622: First year of Muslim Calendar, or Hijri Calendar In Medina the religion was Jewish Jewish start to distance themselves from Muhammad, but they didn’t know he was prophet In Medina Muhammad united the conflictive tribes After 8 years his followers conquered Mecca.
In 632 few months after returning to Medina, Muhammad felt ill and died After his death most of the Arabian peninsula had convert into Islam
‘’Tell the truth even if it turned sour, tell the truth even against yourself ‘’ ‘’ The best man is he who does most good to his fellows” if the mountain does not come to you, you go to the mountain
History Alive- The medieval World and Beyond (pg ) rophet.htm rophet.htm l.shtml l.shtml d.html d.html MohammadLife.html MohammadLife.html iography/Muhammad.html iography/Muhammad.html
1 st: Handout papers. 2nd: Explain the activity 3rd: complete the crossword puzzle 4th: correct it with the whole class
There are people in the world, that are illuminated, Muhammad was one of those.