Essential Questions and Guiding Questions
Why do people adopt new belief systems? What geographic factors influenced history at this time? How did migration, trade, warfare, and the action of missionaries spread ideas and beliefs? How did Islam unite the diverse cultures of the Muslim Empire and spur scholars to great achievements? How did the flourishing economy of Baghdad lead to a golden age in the Muslim Empire?
How did the geography of the Arabian Peninsula encourage a nomadic way of life? What made the Arabian Peninsula important for trade?
What challenges did Islam face after the death of Muhammad in 632 CE? How and why did Muhammad spread Islam?
How do the teachings of Islam provide laws and guidelines for religious practice and everyday life? What are connections between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity?
Who helped to spread Islam following Muhammad’s death? How did the issue of choosing who to lead after Muhammad’s death divide Muslims?
What lands did the Umayyads add to the Muslim Empire? What caused the Muslim Empire to split into various groups?
How did the Abbasids build and sustain a unified empire? What cultural advances were made by the Abbasids What challenges led to the decline of Abbasid rule?
Essential Questions and Guiding Questions
What geo-political factors contributed to the growth of the feudal system in Europe? How did the Franks use religion to unify their kingdom? How did societies rely on family roles and social classes to keep order? How did the Roman Catholic Church affect the political, social, and economic systems of the medieval period? How did the interaction between Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean lead to the erosion of the feudal system? How did advances in weaponry render European feudal institutions obsolete?
How did social and political structures evolve as the medieval period advanced? How did the Crusades lead to the growth of towns, trade guilds, and a merchant class in Medieval Europe? How did the Black Death and affect Europe and the world throughout the 14 th century and beyond? What factors did the signing of the Magna Carta have on feudal relationships in England? In what ways did the 100 Years War forever alter European warfare, and feudal relationships?
How did the geography of Europe help to promote the growth of a rural way of life? What changes occurred in Europe after the fall of Rome in 476 ce?
What factors helped Christianity to grow and spread? Why was Charlemagne’s empire significant? How did the monasteries contribute to the revival of learning under Charlemagne?
What was feudalism, and how did it function? What eventually happened to Charlemagne’s empire?
Why was the Roman Catholic Church so powerful? How did the Roman Catholic Church support education? What role did the manor system play in the economic structure of Europe during the medieval period?
Who fought on behalf of nobles and kings? What role did knights fulfill in medieval society? What did serfs and other vassals receive in exchange for their service?
What was chivalry? What was town life like during Medieval Europe? Why did monarchs and popes struggle with one another for power and control?
What impact did the Black Death have on the European continent? Why+how did the 100 Years War have a dramatic impact on the medieval structure of Europe? How did the Magna Carta contribute to the growth of democratic ideals? How did the English Parliament lay the foundation for future representative government?
Essential Questions and Guiding Questions
Why do people adopt new belief systems? What factors contribute to the development and sustainability of a religion? How are East Asian religions similar, yet very different from Western religions? How do geographic factors influence events in history?
How did Hinduism affect the structure and culture of India? How do the teachings of Hinduism provide guidelines for religious practice and everyday life? What makes the Hindu views of after life unique?
Why is the story of Prince Siddhartha Gautama significant? In what ways does Buddhism differ from other world religions? What characteristics of Buddhism allowed it to gain a foothold throughout the Asian continent? Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path
How was the Zhou Dynasty significant in the development of Chinese history? How did Confucianism shape both the cultural and political development of China? How did Daoism shape both the cultural and political development of China? How did Legalism shape both the cultural and political development of China?
How did changing belief systems alter the course of dynastic events in Chinese history? What happened after the Han Dynasty fell in 220 ce? How did the Sui and Tang dynasties reunify and strengthen China? How was the Chinese government organized under the Tang and Song dynasties?
What technological advances were made under the Tang and Song dynasties? What role did Marco Polo play in the development of Chinese and European relations? What role did the Silk Road play in the interactions between Asia and Europe? What role did the Civil Service Examination play in the structure and function of the Chinese government?
Why was the period of Mongol rule in China so unique? How did the Samurai culture of Japan shape society and government for centuries? What similarities did the feudal societies of Japan and Europe share? How did the samurai and knights differ in their religious beliefs?
How did European and Japanese feudalism differ?
Essential Questions and Guiding Questions
What is humanism? Why did people in the Renaissance embrace this idea? Why did people in the Renaissance not solely rely on the political and religious institutions of the medieval period? How did the growth of towns and trade help spread Renaissance ideas throughout Europe? How did the Italian Renaissance change Europe? In what ways was the Renaissance strengthened by nationalism in various locations throughout Europe?
What impact did the printing press have on European society? How do new ideas and beliefs challenge authority? Why did many Europeans in the 16 th century turn to the new Protestant religions? How did humanism contribute to the reform movement in the Church?
What events helped to bring an end to feudalism and the medieval period? How did political stability contribute to the growth of trade? What contributed to the revival of classical learning?
In what ways the focus of humanism different from prevalent medieval thought? In what ways did humanism lay the foundation for the development of Renaissance thought? What factors helped make Italy (Florence) the birthplace of the Renaissance?
Why did wealthy merchants and bankers become patrons? In what areas did Renaissance figures make notable achievements and contributions? In what ways did Renaissance artists maintain the traditions of the past? How did Renaissance artists improve upon and change artistic styles of the past?
How did Renaissance ideas impact the differing socio-economic classes in Europe? What position did noble women occupy in Renaissance society? What factors helped the Renaissance to spread north?
In what ways did Renaissance art in the north differ from Italian art? What is a woodcut?
Why is William Shakespeare’s writing timeless? How did the printing press contribute to an improved understanding of the world? What Renaissance advances occurred outside of the arts?
How did internal differences weaken the Roman Catholic Church? Why did people begin to question some Church practices?
What did Luther believe about salvation? How did he defy the Roman Catholic Church? What were some of the results of Luther’s ideas?
What were some of the different Protestant movements that developed throughout Europe? How did the Reformation impact England?
What was the Counter- Reformation? What were the results of this movement? What were the long-term impact of the Reformation on the continent of Europe?
Essential Questions and Guiding Questions
How did new scientific discoveries change human understanding of the world? How did new ideas and beliefs challenge authority and lead to change? How did the ideas of the Enlightenment affect women in the 18 th century? Which ideas from the Enlightenment inspired monarchs to institute reforms?
What new inventions helped scientists make more precise observations and measurements? How did classical ideas about astronomy, mathematics, and medicine shape European thought?
How did the Renaissance impact new scientific observations and thought? What new ideas did scientists develop? What new ways of viewing the universe did philosophers propose?
Why did the period called the Enlightenment begin? Why did European philosophers use reason to criticize social and political institutions?
How did people use reason to argue for equal rights? Why did some European monarchs undertake important reforms?
How did Enlightenment ideas help spark the American Revolution? How do Enlightenment ideas continue to influence the United States and the political and social institutions of the world?