The Holy Spirit and Your Integrity Acts 5:1-11
1. How much of your life is divided or involves pretending? 2. How much of your life is wearing other people’s faces?
Trees and animals have no problem. God makes them what they are without consulting them and they are perfectly satisfied. With us it is different. God leaves us free to be whatever we like. We can be ourselves, or not, as we please. We are liberty to be real, or to be unreal. We may wear one mask, and now another, and never, if we so desire, appear with our own true face. Thomas Merton, New Seeds
Pretend Self Solid Self ©Pete & Geri Scazzero May 2012
1. Space
Now I become myself. It’s taken time, many years and places; I have been dissolved and shaken, worn other people’s faces, run madly….”Hurry, you will be dead before-“ Now to stand still, to be here, feel my own weight and density!... in this single hour I live all of myself and do not move. I, the pursued, who madly ran, Stand still, stand still, and stop the sun. May Sarton
2. Suffering
3. Safe Community