Understanding Equivalent Fractions The best way to think about equivalent fractions is that they are fractions that have the same overall value. Equivalent fractions represent the same part of a whole. For example, if we cut a pie exactly down the middle, into two equally sized pieces, one piece is the same as one half of the pie. And if another pie (the same size) is cut into 4 equal pieces, then two pieces of that pie represent the same amount of pie that 1/2 did. So we can say that 1/2 is equivalent (or equal) to 2/4.
Don't be confused! Take a look at the four circles above. Can you see that the one "1/2", the two "1/4" and the four "1/8" take up the same amount of area colored in red for their circle? Well that means that each area colored in red is an equivalent fraction or equal amount. Therefore, we can say that 1/2 is equal to 2/4, and 1/2 is also equal to 4/8. And yes grasshopper, 2/4 is an equivalent fraction for 4/8 too. Check the following chart out:
A simple way to look at how to check for equivalent fractions is to do what is called "cross-multiply", which means multiple the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the other fraction. Then do the same thing in reverse. Now compare the two answers to see if they are equal. If they are equal, then the two fractions are equivalent fractions. The graphic below shows you...
Equivalent Fractions Table
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