Guidelines for: Release Maintenance, Small Enhancement and Feature Work Items Group Name: TP15 Source: Mow Convenor, (Scarrone Enrico, Telecom Italia) Meeting Date:
Maintenance: Corrections Proposal: use a default “predefined” WI code “MNT”, without a WID, for all the releases Correction should be (optionally) associated with the original WI (in addition to “MNT”) ex: MNT/WI-0004 “MNT” alone should be used only for corrections that can not be associated to a proper WI
Small Technical Enhancements: Proposal part 1: use a default “predefined” WI code “STE”, without a WID
Small Technical Enhancements: OPEN POINT: Option A: The “STE” code is applicable ONLY to the current new release(s) under development OR Option B: The “STE” code is applicable to the current new release(s) under development AND to previous releases Option A will be applicable until the TP comes across the need to use option B.
Small technical enhancements: Proposal part 2: It is a responsibility of the proposing company(s) to justify why the proposed change it should be considered a small technical enhancements the Chairs, VC chairs, the editors and rapporteurs are responsible to highlight to the WG/TP and the proposing companies when they think a CR is not a small technical enhancements In case of doubt it should not be considered a small technical enhancements.
Examples of Small technical enhancements: What can be a small technical enhancement? A small modification of an existing mechanism A small update of an existing entity An extension in range of a parameter A new “informational” parameter not requiring dedicated additional functionality in architecture or protocol Etc … What is surely not a small technical enhancements? New architectural elements New functionality New resources A new parameter implying additional CSE functionalities A small change in stage 1 or 2 that implies any of the above Etc…
New features and leftover to be completed The spirit of the Working Procedures and MoW applies: each feature should have its own WI Description, when appropriate the WI description should detail the expected work in the different stages/WGs. The Work plan will trace the development of the features among the different stages
Additional actions Organize call with Chairs/VC/rapporteurs/editors to clarify the concept of small technical enhancement and to assure homogeneous interpretations Update the CR template to : – Include the “MNT” and “STE” code – Include the Release to which the CR applies – Clarify that a change to multiple releases require a CR to each release, Each CR needs to have its own CR number (i.e each CR needs to have a different document number – Include the concept of “mirror” CR when a change apply to multiple CR – Include the version of the template
Additional actions Create a list on the portal associating each permanent document with its editor(s) Update the WID template to: – Include the targeted release – Support the inclusion the multistage/multi WG information – Support the inclusion of multiple rapporteurs