Background Physicist in Particle Physics. Data Acquisition and Triggering systems. Specialising in Embedded and Real-Time Software. Since 2000 Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Background Physicist in Particle Physics. Data Acquisition and Triggering systems. Specialising in Embedded and Real-Time Software. Since 2000 Project Manager of CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Readout. Major deliverable of UK to LHC programme at CERN. 22 SY effort over 6 Y.

TBU Electronics – CMS FED Major electronics system for CMS experiment Silicon Strip Tracker Off-Detector readout at the Large Hadron Collider facility CERN Geneva 500 Large Complex Electronic Boards (FEDs) –~ 45 K ADC channels –Massively Parallel FPGA based Processing > 1 TERA-BYTE / sec (~2,000 CDROMs/sec) Designed, implemented and tested by Technology ~ £ 4 Million project over several years in collaboration with Imperial College, PPD, CERN. Manufactured in Partnership with UK Industry eXception EMS Ltd received CMS Gold Award 2006 Knowledge Transfer Delivered to CERN on budget & ahead of schedule CMS Awards x 500 RAL Commissioning at CERN Slide shown at CEO Staff Talk July 2006

CMS FED - Project Manager Role Led project from Feasibility stage through Design, Implementation to Delivery. Leading team of ~ 6 engineers Low-level software for FPGA design verification. Major role in all activities from capturing Requirements to Board & FPGA design specification, manufacture and Qualification. Reporting to CMS UK Management Committee, CMS/Tracker management CERN. Presentations at International Conferences. Maintained effective collaboration with project stakeholders, Imperial College, PPD, CERN. Negotiated and managed FED manufacturing contract £1.75M on behalf of CMS UK and CERN.

TBU – Electronics Systems Design Group Section leader in ESDG (2 staff). Deputy Group Leader (15 staff). Control Group Budget. Manage SLHC, ASIC (non MAPS) accounts. In charge of Communications, Software Training, PC and FPGA related purchasing. Active formulating group Strategy via Business Plan.

Future Roles Complete Installation and Commissioning of FEDs for LHC pilot run Lead R&D team in Embedded Systems based on FPGAs. Apply to New Challenges and Opportunities: –SLHC, ILC –Diamond, XFEL +… Offer to CCLRC : Technical expertise, Management abilities and Scientific world view.

Additional Slides

Readout Silicon Tracking detector. ~ 10 million Silicon Strip channels ON Detector: APV25 pipeline L1 Trigger: MUX APV Frame output Analogue Data readout via Optical links (100 kHz APV Frames: Header + Strip Data) OFF Detector: Front-End Drivers (FED) Digitise / Zero Suppress / DAQ readout ~ 500 x 9U VME64x boards (incl spares) 96 ADC channel boards Each 25 K channels per event. ~ 3 GB/s input ~ 50 MB/s/% output DAQ Counting Room On Detector (Radiation Hard) FPGA 25 VME 9U FEDs Hybrid Front-End Hybrid Silicon Strips 70m Tracker Readout

500 And Tracker needs 500 of them Large Complex Electronics Board NB One FEDmany crates NB One FED board is doing the job of many crates of electronics of tracker readout on last generation of HEP experiments eg HERA manufacturing Major manufacturing task Optical Digital 34 x FPGAs AnalogueOutput: CDAQ Input: Tracker FEnds 25K MUX strips to ~100 ADC channels 3 3 Gbytes/sec 200 Mbytes <= 200 Mbytes/sec Q. How to support a Board with re-programmable digital logic during operation for 10 years ?... Digital Logic Re-Programmable Firmware (VHDL, Verilog) Field Programmable Gate Arrays Software Data Reduction & Processing System Architecture NB System Interfaces critical Tracker FE, DAQ, Trigger... Hit Finding Event Builder VME

1. Custom CMS Tests At Assembly Plant Boundary Scan Analogue 3. Tests at CERN Prevessin 904 B186 Tracker Integration 2. Tests at RAL Optical, SLINK, Full crate 4. Installation at CMS USC55 0. Quality Controls during Assembly process AOI, X-ray RAL Test Rig Assembly Company FED “Pipeline” with each stage taking ~ 1 month and containing ~ 50 FEDs VME SLINK Transition card CERN Test Rig eXception EMS Ltd UK FED Quality Assurance

Xilinx Virtex 4 System on Chip Field Programmable Gate Array + Embedded IP Blocks Hardware Programming Language RTL; VHDL System Partitioning ; Operating Systems Software Programming Language; C e.g. PPC, Ethernet MAC FPGAs CPUs SLHC DAQ?