Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2009 ScotXed seminar - 31 October 2011 Andrew White, Office of the Chief Statistician
A quick run through… What is SIMD 2009? Some things you should know Some findings How to find out more - SIMD website
What is the SIMD? The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland. multiple deprivationsmall area concentrations
SIMD domains SIMD 2009 domains –Income –Employment –Health –Education, skills & training –Geographic access to services –Crime –Housing 28% 14% 9% 5% 2%
What is the SIMD? The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland. Relative measure ranking the 6,505 datazones in Scotland from to 6,505 being the least deprived. Does this for each domain and overall. datazones 1 being most deprived
What are datazones? Statistical geography 6,505 datazones in Scotland Average population of around 800 people No names, but codes like S
What is the SIMD? The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland. Relative measure ranking the 6,505 datazones in Scotland from 1 being most deprived to 6,505 being the least deprived. Does this for each domain and overall. Analysis often focuses on the 15% most deprived. There are 976 datazones in the 15% most deprived.
But you don’t have to use 15% Quintile: splits SIMD into 5 groups each containing 20% of datazones (about 1,301 in each). –Quintile 1 = 20% most deprived Decile: splits SIMD into 10 groups each containing 10% of datazones (about 651 in each) –Decile 1 = 10% most deprived Vigintile: splits SIMD into 20 groups each containing 5% of datazones (about 325 in each). –Vigintile 1 = 5% most deprived
What is the SIMD? The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland. Relative measure ranking the 6,505 datazones in Scotland from 1 being most deprived to 6,505 being the least deprived. Does this for each domain and overall. Analysis often focuses on the 15% most deprived. There are 976 datazones in the 15% most deprived. SIMD is one measure of deprivation, it is not the only one.
SIMD 2009 Update to SIMD 2006 (and SIMD 2004) Mostly 2007 / 2008 data 38 indicators (statistics) across 7 aspects of deprivation (domains) Usually updated every 3 years although still deciding on timing of next update Annual updates to income and employment domains published in the meantime and updates to other indicators available on the SNS website (
Employment Deprivation Domain Based on benefits data (2008) –Unemployment Claimant Count 12 month average –Incapacity Benefit recipients Working age –Severe Disablement Allowance Working age –Compulsory New Deal Participants –Employment and Support Allowance Working age Datazone SAPE –Working age population
Income Deprivation Domain Not measuring income Based on benefits data (2008 and 2007) –Income support adults and children –Guarantee Pension Credit adults –Job Seekers Allowance adults and children 2004 used WFTC and DTC data 2009 – WTC and CTC (2006 data) Datazone SAPE –Total population
Education Deprivation Domain Indicators –School pupil absences –Pupil Performance on SQA at Stage 4 –Working age people with no qualifications –17-21 year olds enrolling into HE –People aged not in full time education, employment or training Populations relevant to indicator Combined using factor analysis
SIMD domains SIMD 2009 domains –Income –Employment –Health –Education, skills & training –Geographic access to services –Crime –Housing 28% 14% 9% 5% 2%
Things you should know… The Index is relative i.e. it shows whether an area is more or less deprived than another one but not how much more or less deprived. The least deprived area is not the most affluent, it just lacks deprivation. Not everyone living in a deprived area is deprived. Nor do all deprived people live in the most deprived areas. There will always be 976 datazones in the 15% most deprived – if a datazone moves out another will move in.
Some findings % of area’s datazones in the 15% most deprived datazones in Scotland
More findings % of working age population who are employment deprived % of population employment deprived (latest figures) Angus11% Argyll & Bute10% Dumfries & Galloway12% East Dunbartonshire 9% Falkirk13% Inverclyde 18% North Ayrshire 17% North Lanarkshire 16% Stirling 10%
More findings % of children aged 5-16 who live in the most deprived quintile (20%) in Scotland. % of children aged 5-16 in most deprived quintile Angus6% Argyll & Bute8% Dumfries & Galloway 11% East Dunbartonshire5% Falkirk 12% Inverclyde 43% North Ayrshire 35% North Lanarkshire 30% Stirling 8%
Educational Qualifications and School Leaver Destinations Lower educational attainment in the most deprived areas Higher percentage of working age population having low or no qualifications in the most deprived areas Lower percentage of school leavers in the most deprived areas going into positive destinations Further Education and Training more accessible than Higher Education for those in the most deprived areas
More findings
Educational Qualifications and School Leaver Destinations Lower educational attainment in the most deprived areas Higher percentage of working age population having low or no qualifications in the most deprived areas Lower percentage of school leavers in the most deprived areas going into positive destinations Further Education and Training more accessible than Higher Education for those in the most deprived areas
Some findings
Educational Qualifications and School Leaver Destinations Lower educational attainment in the most deprived areas Higher percentage of working age population having low or no qualifications in the most deprived areas Lower percentage of school leavers in the most deprived areas going into positive destinations Further Education and Training more accessible than Higher Education for those in the most deprived areas
How to find out more – Using the SIMD website
An example box plot for Education, domain indicators
Other information available… General report with initial analysis Technical report Guidance leaflet Interactive mapping website Frequently Asked Questions Income & employment domain annual updates More to come…
Contacts Andrew White Tel: Neighbourhood Statistics (SNS & SIMD) Tel: ANY QUESTIONS?