People Interacting With The Environment A look at sustainability.
The Australian Pride Map!
Overall Water Risk Around the World
Definitions Ecological service Stewardship Ecological footprint Biocapacity Sustainability
The Earth – Providing and Protecting Ecological Service All the “stuff” the Earth provides for people. Eg. Food, minerals, clean air, water, place to live… Ecological Stewardship Taking care of that “stuff”
Our Impact on the Earth Ecological Footprint A way to measure the human demand on ecological services. Essentially a measure of resource use. Measured by how many Earth’s it would take to sustain the current population of the world if they all consumed at the same rate as you do. Biocapacity Ability of the a given area to regenerate the renewable resources being used. Is taken into account when determining the ecological footprint
Sustainability The idea that the ecological service must meet our needs for well- being and the needs of future generations. To do this we must be stewards of the Earth and her resources.
Are You Acting in a Sustainable Way? You need to do a footprint activity. Google: WWF Footprint Calculator Go though it in as detailed a format as possible.
Prep Task Find a map that shows how exhibit human affect on the environment and how it could affect long term sustainability. You can see that if all of the world started consuming oil at the same level of the wealthier countries, especially countries like the USA, Canada and Russia, we would consume at a much higher level and be in big trouble globally.