Design of the survey Investigation questions State of the art (descriptive) Which operational infrastructure ? (equipment, connectivity, content resources) To do what in teaching and learning (detailed information)? How often? ICT for 21 st century education Which activities? To support which teaching and learning methods? To develop which skills and competences? Patterns and explanatory models What are the specific patterns observed? Which school and teacher factors are associated with specific patterns? Which recommendations can be made and supported by evidence ?
In school – formal setting Student’s digital use and competence Out of school – informal/ non formal settings Students’ ICT use in leisure time and for school work Students’ family background, home equipment Teachers’ pedagogical model (practice) School’s infrastructure, connectivity and ICT access School leadership in ICT, pedagogy, ICT for pedagogy and change management curriculum assessment DLR availability and access Support provided to teachers Students’ ICT use in in learning processes Teachers’ ICT based pedagogical skills Students’ opinions and attitude towards ICT use for learning Students’ type of learning activities Teachers’ opinions about ICT use for learning ICT use impact on teachers’ own practice
Design of the survey Questionnaires design 2 student questionnaires ISCED 2ISCED 3 gen 1 single teacher questionnaire ISCED 1ISCED 2 ISCED 3 gen 1 single school head questionnaire ISCED 1ISCED 2ISCED 3 gen ISCED 3 voc
Design of the survey DomainsQuestionnaires Strategy to use ICT for better learningSH T ICT equipment access and frequency of use at schoolSH T S ICT equipment access and frequency of use out of school S School and teaching organisation using ICTSH T Use of ICT for teachingSH T Use of ICT in learning S Learning processes and impact of ICT use on teaching T S Learning processes and impact of ICT use on learning T S Opinions and attitudes about ICT use in teachingSH T Opinions and attitudes about ICT use in learningSH T S Personal informationSH T S SH= school head T= teacher S= student
Survey: approach Retain items from previous surveys (EU2002, 2005) –Trends, progression Closed questions Completion time: –Students 20 minutes –Heads/teachers 30 minutes Facts/opinions Descriptive/explanatory data Clarity of language Piloting