Презентация на тему: Защита проектов. Работу выполнила учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 7 г. Минеральные Воды Ваганова Лола Ахматджоновна
Данная презентация рассчитана на учащихся 6 класса, не требует навыков работы на компьютере. Развивает навыки и умения говорения: монологической речи (защита проектов, пересказ текста, ответы на вопросы) и диалогической речи. Способствует закреплению ранее изученных лексических единиц и выражений по теме «Animals». Воспитывает любовь к животным, бережное отношение к природе, чувство сопричастности к проблемам экологии родного края.
What animals would you like to have as a pet? Children. 73% 68% 51% 45% 39% 28% 5% 3,5% 2% 1,5% Cats Dogs Parrots Fish Hamster Tortoise Monkeys Crocodiles Elephants No pets at home
What animals would you like to have as a pet? Teachers. 85% 63% 47% 41% Cats and dogs Domestic animals Exotic animals No pets at home
«Cats as Pets» «Cats are devoted friends» «A home with a cat is a happy home»
1)How can you characterise cats? 2)What are the most popular names for cats in Russia and in Great Britain? 3)Are cats devoted? 4)Who has a cat at home? 5)What is the best friend of a cat? 6)What types of dogs do you know? 7)What dog do you have at home? 8)How can we characterise dogs?
«Dogs are our lesser brothers?» «Labradors are guide dogs?» «Rescue homes for lost animals?»
A letter from the rescue home
Do you want to have a F….d? Hello! I am a little funny p…y. I am not pedigree. I am m…..l. But I am k..d, l…l and very clever. I am a ho…..n but I am friendly with d..s and c..s and love ch…..n. I am ho…..s. Come to our r…ue home and you’ll find a new member of the family.
Do you want to have a Friend? Hello! I am a little funny puppy. I am not pedigree. I am mongrel. But I am kind, loyal and very clever. I am a hooligan but I am friendly with dogs and cats and love children. I am homeless. Come to our rescue home and you’ll find a new member of the family.
-How to take care of the pets?
Do you want to adopt the animal in London Zoo?
The Nile Crocodile The African Elephant A puppy
1)What is your full name? 2)Where do you live? 3)Do you like to play? What is your favorite game? 4)People are afraid of you. Are you so dangerous? 5)Is your great grandmother a dinosaur? 6)Do you have children? 7)You have become very famous. How did it change your life? 8)Why have you come here?
Ecological problems in Stavropol Territory The animals that are in danger: bison eagle deer crane leopard swan bear heron -What should we do to help these animals?