April 29, 2011 Developing Effective Leaders: Principal Evaluation Systems CCSSO – National Summit on Educator Effectiveness
Principal Effectiveness
Accurately Assessing Principal Effectiveness Student Achievement Outcomes Student assessment results and measures of college readiness Emphasize growth over attainment Teacher Effectiveness Growth in the percentage of teachers making “effective” gains in student achievement Improvement in the “differential retention” of teachers evaluated as effective Performance Standards Focus on domains of leadership that have been shown to drive results for students Fold in other elements (e.g., parent surveys) as data on the accomplishment of leadership actions
Guiding Principles for Use Of Student Outcomes Focus more on growth than attainment Value all students, not just those approaching proficiency Set targets that close in-school or cross-school achievement gaps Include “on track” to college non-test measures Use multiple years of data for high stakes consequences Ensure alignment to other state/LEA accountability systems for principals and schools
4 Teacher effectiveness Principal Effectiveness Teacher Effectiveness Student Outcomes The principal’s impact on teacher effectiveness is measured three ways: 1.The improvement of student outcomes 2.Increases in the percentage of teachers on staff who are effective or highly effective 3.Principal actions – The Retention of Effective and Highly Effective Teachers – Effective Managing and Counseling Out Low Performers – Rigorous Differentiated Performance Evaluations – Development of Teachers
Six Domains of Leadership Actions 1. Vision for Results and Equity 2. Planning and Operations 3. Culture (including families and community) 4. Learning and Teaching 5. Staff Development and Management 6. Personal Leadership and Growth New Leaders for New Schools: CONFIDENTIAL 5
Role of the Principal Manager Evaluation Implementation Principal Effectiveness Access to robust data streams Job design allows for frequency of school observation Significant investments in norming and strong tools/rubrics for evaluation Accountable for improving principal effectiveness and student outcomes Use evaluation information to drive supports and professional growth Implement rewards and consequences based on evaluations
Aligning All Leadership Policies Principal Standards and Evaluation Retention, Rewards, & Dismissal Principal Selection In-service PD Evaluation and Management Pre-Service Training Pipeline Development 7 Principal Autonomy Data and Support Systems
State Challenges Evaluator training, especially for distributed/online delivery –Principal evaluation training is more than “video norming” –Designing robust examples of evidence, while avoiding “checklist” –Providing guidance and skills on student outcomes goal setting “Principal manager” job design –Scope of management responsibility – number of schools, other responsibilities –Focus on principal development, not just accountability –Ability to see into human capital management at the school level