The Association of Cost Engineers THE ASSOCIATION OF COST ENGINEERS 3 rd November 2009 Cost Engineers A Tiered Approach to Accreditation
The Association of Cost Engineers 2 Objectives of the Association Include: To promote Cost Engineering as a recognised discipline of engineering technology To provide means of developing, exchanging and disseminating standards, methods and data relating to Cost Engineering To provide recognised standards of attainment in the practice of Cost Engineering To set up and maintain proper standards of professional conduct and ethics of its members in the practices of Cost Engineering To co-operate with other bodies in the UK and elsewhere having objectives cognate with those of the Association and to liaise with similar bodies for the purpose of the reciprocal exchange of information
The Association of Cost Engineers 3 Certified Cost Engineer (CCE) Existing Certified Cost Engineer Internationally recognised qualification that confirms the holder to be an experienced cost engineer, actively engaged in the practice of cost engineering or its supervision International Cost Engineering Council (ICEC) regulated Existing Route to Certification: –Appropriate Academic Qualifications plus –4 Years Relevant Professional Experience –Practice Paper –Summary of Experience –Interview
The Association of Cost Engineers 4 Certified Cost Engineer (CCE) But now there is an alternative … People like to be able to see and demonstrate learning progression. (This is supported by Academic Research) Universities accept GCE results from other matriculation boards, not just their own. Other professional organisations and bodies accept equivalent qualifications also The ACostE objective of co-operation with similar bodies suggests an acknowledgement of their ability to recognise competence in cost engineering Some corporate organisations have certification schemes already
The Association of Cost Engineers 5 Enhancing our Qualification with a Tiered Approach to Accreditation Trainee Cost Engineer (Level 2) Certified Cost Engineer (CCE) Trainee Cost Engineer (Level 1) Registered Cost Engineer (RCE) Enrolled Cost Engineer Demonstrable Competency People like to be able to see and demonstrate learning progression … Unitised competencies that build on the previous level General professional competencies as well as cost engineering technical skills Progression achieved by demonstration of appropriate academic, professional and applied knowledge and skills
The Association of Cost Engineers 6 It should be possible to grant credits to the acceptance criteria, where equivalency can be demonstrated from either related Academic qualifications or assessed Employer-based Career Development Programmes. NVQ Level 3 NVQ Level 3 NVQ Level 2 NVQ Level 2 NVQ Level 4 NVQ Level 4 National Occupational Standards in Project Control Already have a qualification? Trainee Cost Engineer (Level 2) Certified Cost Engineer (CCE) Trainee Cost Engineer (Level 1) Registered Cost Engineer (RCE) Enrolled Cost Engineer Demonstrable Competency Some professional and academic bodies accept equivalent qualifications awarded by other organisations … Example:
The Association of Cost Engineers 7 What progress has been made? In order to maximise the appeal of the ACostE’s tiered approach to accreditation to multiple industries, the framework needs to be underpinned by measurable Occupational Standards The existing National Occupational Standards in Project Control were identified as the natural platform from which to start, but that there were ‘gaps’, especially in the relation to estimating and cost engineering from an Engineering and Manufacturing perspective Proposed amendments to these standards, and the creation of potential new standards have been developed progressively during the year by the small ACostE EMC team established to work with BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce Trainee Cost Engineer (Level 2) Certified Cost Engineer (CCE) Trainee Cost Engineer (Level 1) Registered Cost Engineer (RCE) Enrolled Cost Engineer Demonstrable Competency
The Association of Cost Engineers 8 What progress has been made? As part of the wider review of the whole Qualification Framework within the UK, the ECITB have a mandate to widen the relevance of the National Occupational Standards in Project Control to other industries Through ProVoc, the changes to Project Controls proposed by the EMC were submitted to the ECITB as part of that wider industry review The proposed outcome is a revised set of National Occupational Standards for Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering (Project Control) which meets the needs of both Engineering Construction and Engineering & Manufacturing sectors New qualifications are to be established in 2010 replacing NVQs
The Association of Cost Engineers 9 Whetted your appetite? Visit the Storyboards later Review what I have just presented in slower time Find out more about National Occupational Standards in Estimating, Planning, & Cost Engineering (Project Control) Network with others Make your views known to others and to the ACostE Tell us what you like, or don’t like about the Tiered Approach to Accreditation What would you want to change?