MY FOOTPRINT CALCULATOR I am happy with my results because it’s better than I thought. I need to improve on my food. My goal is to not eat as much sweets.
BUDDIE Never give personal details away
TERM 1 REFLECTION This term I enjoyed crazy hair day because I like colouring my hair orange and blue and I also liked the lightning bolts. Also I enjoyed going to Science works because the think ahead exhibit made me think that the future would be a different place. One game that I liked was were two people would have a ball each and the first ball to get into the whole wins. I learnt on clean up Australia day that people need to take a bit more care to our Environment and that we are harming our animals. A challenge for me was on Fish market because sometimes I can make a good trade but sometimes I made mistakes. My goal for next time is to get finished in time.
5 FACTS ABOUT ENERGY IN TERM 1 1. I learnt that wind energy is a type of energy that can run out. 2. Also that a single Wind Turbine can power 500 homes! 3. Non – Renewable energy harms the Earth. 4. Some types of Renewable energy’ s are solar and wind. 5. Some types of Non - Renewable energy’ s are coal and Natural Gas.
MY TERM GOAL My term 1 goal was to get my homework finished in time. I achieved it by making sure it was finished. My goal for next term is to play with other people.