Community Gains Investment Fund Frances Toner IASE communications officer IASE Communications
The fund provides for a digital media officer and a communications officer Community Gains Investment Fund
IASE Communications Actions within these roles include: ~ Extensive media relations for the launch and build-up to the European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) conference
IASE Communications Actions include: ~ Circulation of a monthly EUSE conference ezine and a monthly IASE ezine ~ A new logo, branding and promotional material was developed for Job Shadow Day
IASE Communications Actions include: ~ Development of website, including compliance with new regulations and update of content ~ Introduction of a structured social media plan
IASE Communications Actions include: ~ Invitation to some high profile professionals to take part in Job Shadow Day ~ Job Shadow Day photo-call with Ray D’Arcy and Neven Maguire ~ Other high profile Job Shadows included Derek Mooney, Richard Crowley and Brendan O’Connor
IASE Communications Actions include: ~ Worked with PR Wise to secure national TV, radio and newspaper coverage and extensive, regional radio and newspaper coverage across the country for Job Shadow Day 2013 ~ Strong social media campaign for #JobShadow2013
Total value of publicity was more than €325,000
IASE Communications Actions include: ~ Google Ad Words grant secured. It has providing Google pay-per-click advertising worth $49,000 to date ~ Youtube channel with more than 50 videos and 18,300 views ~ Developed the Open Door logo, tag line and publicity material
IASE Communications Actions include: ~ Development of Employers Resource Pack ~ Media relations for Open Door events