Dennis Township Preschool Parent Information Meeting March 13, 2013
What is a Preschool Inclusion Program? Our goal is simple! We want to bring together our preschool students with special needs with their typically developing peers into a collaborative preschool environment. We want them to experience a variety of early reading and math concepts, language development, fine and gross motor skills, related arts and social skills.
Who would the program include? Designed for 3 & 4 Year Olds living in Dennis Township School District Students must be 3 years of age by 10/1/2013 Integrated Classrooms (10/5 ratio) Preschool Students with special needs (5) will be brought together with their typically developing preschool peers (10)
Program Details Our preschool program will follow the same District School Calendar The School Hours will be 8:45am-3:30pm Our program is a Tuition based program $5200 for five full days for ten months (September – June) Tuition contract will be included in the enrollment packet There is no abbreviated school schedule offered and no tuition assistance.
Program Details Latchkey or “Hawklet’s Nest” is available (separate cost) Held in the Primary School Building Morning session begins at 7am Afternoon session ends at 6pm Transportation for the Preschool program must be provided by the parents; drop off and pick up locations will be designated and explained before the first day of school.
Creative Curriculum: The foundation of our Program Preschool Program focuses on the Creative Curriculum; a Center-Based Approach 4 main goals with 38 Objectives Developmentally Appropriate Evidence based curriculum for Early Childhood Development
Creative Curriculum: How does it help my Preschooler? 1. Social/Emotional Development Achieving a sense of self Taking responsibility for self and others Behaving in a prosocial way
Creative Curriculum: How does it help my Preschooler? 2. Physical Development Achieving gross motor control Achieving fine motor control
Creative Curriculum: How does it help my Preschooler? 3. Cognitive Development Learning and problem solving Thinking logically Representing and thinking symbolically
Creative Curriculum: How does it help my Preschooler? 4.Language Development Listening and speaking Reading and Writing
How will I know how my child is doing? Individual Student Portfolios will be collected throughout the school year. Teachers and classroom assistants will collect your child’s data in each of the 4 goal areas : social emotional, physical, cognitive, and language Conferences will be available following the regular School District Calendar
Center Interest Areas: How will my child learn? ArtBlocks Computer / Technology CookingDiscovery Dramatic Play Library Music/Movement Outdoors Sand/Water
Daily Schedule: What will my child do? Circle Time Interest Areas Small Group Instruction Specials Gross Motor Snack Lunch: Pack or purchase school lunch Rest Time
I’m interested, so what’s next? Admission for the preschool program will be based on a publically run lottery. Complete a lottery application and turn it into the school office Applications will be accepted from March 13, 2013 through March 28, 2013 Deadline for the lottery application is March 28, 2013
What is the Lottery? Lottery will be held on April 10, 2013 at 7pm in the Primary School Multipurpose room. All interested parents MUST be present at the lottery. Parents will add their child’s name to the lottery bags. Names will be selected in no particular order. Waiting lists will be generated for potential open spots for each classroom.
How many children are being accepted? Two classrooms will be established for School Year There will be 10 spots available in each classroom: total of 20 spots One 3 year old room: Need 5 girls and 5 boys (10 spots) One 4 year old room: Need 5 girls and 5 boys (10 spots)
What happens after the lottery? Students selected by lottery will receive an enrollment packet. Enclosed will be all the school information, medical and emergency cards, and tuition contract necessary for enrollment If spots become available, the waiting list will be utilized in sequence to fill those spots. Enrollment packets are DUE APRIL 29, 2013!
More information….. Check out the school website for updates on meetings and to download lottery applications Contact Joann Shilinsky, Director of Special Education, at ext 234. for questions or concerns.
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