UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Slide 1 NFE Programme of UNESCO Annual Meeting on NFE July 2010 Non Formal Education Department Ministry of Education Vientiane, Lao PDR
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Contents 1. UNESCO ? 2. Current Activities (Cap EFA) in Lao 3. Possible activities in future Slide 2
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Mission of UNESCO Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed. Slide 3
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Areas of UNESCO Education Culture Communication Social Science Natural Science Slide 4
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Functions of UNESCO 1. laboratory of ideas 2. standard setter 3. clearing house 4. capacity-builder 5. catalyst for international cooperation Slide 5
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Current NFE Activities in Lao 1. NFE policies and strategies 2. Guideline on Equivalency Programmes (EP) 3. Guideline on Community Learning Centres (CLC) 4. Structure and System development 5. Enhance capacity to train NFE personnel (officials, teachers, village heads) 6. Quality improvement of materials 7. Establishment of NFE-MIS Slide 6
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Non-formal Education Training, Vangviang 9 June 2009 Slide 7
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Focus group interview at Phounkhoune DEB and Ban Phakaew CLC in Luang Prabang for diagnostic study on current NFE system, undertaken by a Thai consultant and a Lao DNFE team. 9 June 2009 Slide 8
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Phudindaeng Youth Centre visited by the NFE research team Slide 9
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education; UNESCO Bangkok Possible actions in Lao in future? Advocacy on Literacy Parliamentarians General public Private sector Innovative approach with ICT Resource center/site Coordination among partners Slide 10