Reduce your Carbon Footprint Practical Solutions for the Homeowner
12-8 Push Mower instead of Power Mower Buy products with less packaging low energy/low water washing machine Turn down water heater to 120 CFBs !! 80 Lbs/year not feasible 230 Lbs/year not really our choice 500 lbs/year low flush toilet problem … 500 lbs/year yes, easy to do 500 lbs/year yes
7-3 Solar Water Heater Systems Recycle waste Insulate Water Heater Caulk and Weather Stripping Leave car at home 2 days a week 720 lbs/year practical for most 850 lbs/year easy 1000 lbs/year easy 1000 lbs/year easy and cheap 1600 lbs/year ???
Biggest Effects Fully insulate your home – inside with foam outside with products like hardiplank 3000 lbs/year and adds value to your home Drive a car with 35 Mpg rating 6000 lbs/year Don’t Drive lbs/year