Home of the Jaguars!!
Mrs. Wilkin Counselor Alpha A-L Mrs. Quevedo-Darling Counselor Alpha M-Z Mrs. Lillard College &Career Tech Ms. Trejo Destination College Advisor
My Parents are making me come here ! It is a safe school. I HAVE to go to school…. and on and on and on…..
To be part of the BEST school in the High Desert. To receive a solid education. To prepare myself for High School. To get ready for University level work. To be the BEST ME I can BE!!!
2.5 GPA….which in elementary school means 4s and 5s Basic or higher in Math and ELA (English Language Arts) Good Attendance, < 10 days NO major DISCIPLINE!
So what does this mean if you are here?????
Subject CoursesYears EnglishELA 7/ELA 82yrs MathPre-Alg Algebra Concepts Algebra 2yrs Geometry ScienceLife Science Physical Science2yrs Social Studies World History US History2yrs PE2yrs Spanish2yrs Music2yrs
School is a place to learn, but not all learning is academic……
School is learning about …..
Be honest Don’t deceive, cheat or steal Be reliable – do what you say you’ll do Have the courage to do the right thing Build a good reputation Be loyal – stand by your family, friends and country
Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule Be tolerant of differences Us good manners, not bad language Be considerate of the feelings of others Don’t threaten, hit, or hurt anyone or any living thing Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.
Do what you are supposed to do Persevere; keep on TRYING! Always do your best Use self-control Be self-disciplined Think before you act – consider the consequences Be accountable for your choices
Play by the rules Take turns and share Be open-minded; listen to others Don’t take advantage of others Don’t blame others carelessly
Be Kind Be compassionate and show you care Express gratitude Forgive others Help people in need
Do your share to make your school and community better Cooperate Get involved in community affairs Stay informed; vote Be a good neighbor Obey laws and rules Respect authority Protect the environment
What is the GPA requirement to stay here at University Preparatory?
At University Prep we have Volleyball, Cross Country, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Golf and Cheer. Your grades in 8 th grade determine your eligibility for 9 th grade sports, no matter if you stay at University Prep or transfer to another school. 2.5 GPA and no F’s
Total number of credits 220
8 th graders with a minimum GPA of 3.2 can possibly qualify for CJSF Based on spring of 7 th grade Honors society that recognizes high academics Prepares you for CSF at the High School level
See Ms. Egliske for a list of clubs on campus. Get involved!
You’re the best…. You’re the brightest… GOOO JAGS!!!!!
Pillars of Characters website Special thanks to students pictured representing our school