5S Improve Kaizen Facilitation Review 5S.
Objectives Understand the purpose and benefit of 5S Learn where 5S is applicable Apply 5S in the workplace
What is 5S ? Action Verbs! Sort Straighten Standardize Shine Sustain
…a place for everything and everything in its place. What is 5S ? In Short, 5S is really… …a place for everything and everything in its place.
WHY do 5S ? Stress Area is safer (reducing slips, trips, falls) More productive when area is organized Effectiveness Lets people share jobs Less hoarding of needed tools Teamwork Customers, potential investors, job seekers all judge your work area Impressions Less stress trying to find things Less effort when things disappear Stress
Original terms / words were Japanese The ‘S’ words readily translate to English Japanese Word English Version Other English ‘S’ Words Seiri Sort Separate, Simplify Seiton Straighten Set in order, Systematic Arrangement, Store in place Seiso Shine Scrub, Sweep, Systematic Cleaning, Spic & Span Seiketsu Standardize Stabilize Shitsuke Sustain Self-discipline
Sorting is separating the necessary from the unnecessary Straighten Rules of Thumb Sustain Standard-ize Shine If it has dust on it, move it out If you think ‘Oh, I forgot I had this’, move it out If you don’t think you’ll need it in the next 30 days, move it out If nobody knows what it is, move it out Sorting is separating the necessary from the unnecessary
Sort If true trash, pitch it ! Central Location If not … Tag It !
Confirms nobody needs the item Tagging How to Tag Identify items needing review Tag item Leave in area for review If needed, remove tag and designate location or If not needed… move it out - example only - Confirms nobody needs the item
Where Should Sorted Items Go? Store in a designated central location - supply cabinet, warehouse, offsite, or with a vendor Used on occasion Store in a Tag Area Available for others to use Tag Area MUST be managed Not used, but have value Sell or Recycle Not used and no company value
Straightening is the process of finding permanent locations for items. Finding Homes/Locations Sort Straighten Sustain Organize based on usage Most used items closest Match order to process Make items easy to get to Avoid drawers/cabinets with closed doors Grab with a ‘handshake’ Includes computer files May require layout/work area changes Standard-ize Shine Straightening is the process of finding permanent locations for items.
Shine Keeping Areas Clean Sort Straighten Sustain Clean areas expose problems better Fresh oil drips on a clean garage floor Prevent dirt to clean easy Coffee packets vs. scooping grounds Bundling cables Standard-ize Shine Shine means not only the initial cleaning, but creating systems to keep the area clean.
Standardizing is locking in locations Standardize Sort Straighten Standard-ize Shine Sustain Locking Things In Should be easy to see where things go Should be easy to see when things are missing Only make things as pretty as needed Standardizing is locking in locations
Effective 5S that supports the work is easy to sustain Keep It Simple Effective 5S that supports the work is easy to sustain
5S needs a cultural shift in the company to be effective Sustain Keeping the Gains Sort Straighten Standard-ize Shine Sustain Requires self-discipline Works best when audited Sustaining is the act of keeping the gains achieved by 5S 5S needs a cultural shift in the company to be effective
Going Overboard? What is this? Is it more clear now?
Going Overboard? Which One Is In The Wrong Order?
Systems Need to tie 5S into all improvements May need an event for big 5S effort / project Kaizen process Needs a process to be used effectively Tag Area Requires tools, training, standard color-coding, etc. Adopting 5S in the Workplace
Steps to Implement 5S 1. Establish the systems through demonstration (clean as you go, visuals) 2. Train the team on best practices 3. ‘5S’ work areas during kaizen (link the 5S activities to the process!) 4. Sustain the gains though audits and visual inspections
Review 5S’s Minimal effort initially leads to large long term gains Sort Straighten Shine Standardize Sustain Minimal effort initially leads to large long term gains Simplifies work and organizes workplace, improves communication, lets employees share resources, less stress, safer environment