Jeopardy Hazards Toxicology Chemicals Risk Analysis Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Potpourri Q $500
$100 Question from Hazards Which type of hazard is a poor diet considered?
$100 Answer from Hazards Cultural Hazard
$200 Question from Hazards Which type of hazard is a flood considered?
$200 Answer from Hazards Physical Hazard
$300 Question from Hazards Which type of hazard is a bee sting considered?
$300 Answer from Hazards Biological Hazard
$400 Question from Hazards Which type of hazard is a fire considered?
$400 Answer from Hazards Physical Hazard
$500 Question from Hazards Which type of hazard is mercury in fish considered?
$500 Answer from Hazards Chemical Hazard
$100 Question from Toxicology The amount of a substance that someone has ingested, inhaled, or absorbed is known a the ________.
$100 Answer from Toxicology Dose
$200 Question from Toxicology The process in which some toxins increase in concentration as they move up the food chain is known as ____________.
$200 Answer from Toxicology Biomagnification
$300 Question from Toxicology The reaction that an individual has as a result of exposure to a chemical is called the ____________.
$300 Answer from Toxicology Response
$400 Question from Toxicology _____-soluble toxins can accumulate in body tissues and cells.
$400 Answer from Toxicology Fat-soluble toxins
$500 Question from Toxicology How long a chemical stays in the environment is known as _________.
$500 Answer from Toxicology Persistence
$100 Question from Chemicals What are two reasons why lab rats are used for chemical studies more frequently than humans?
$100 Answer from Chemicals They are cheaper, more numerous, have less genetic variability, and it isn’t considered unethical by as many people.
$200 Question from Chemicals What is the LD50 of this substance? 30% 20% 10% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Response
$200 Answer from Chemicals 9.5 units 30% 20% 10% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Response
$300 Question from Chemicals What does the expression, “The dose makes the poison” mean?
$300 Answer from Chemicals Any substance can be harmful if enough is consumed.
$400 Question from Chemicals Which insecticide was widely used to kill mosquitoes and other insects, but also contributed to the thinning of bird’s egg shells?
$400 Answer from Chemicals DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Chemicals that mimic natural hormones in the body are known as ___________ ___________. $500 Question from Chemicals
Endocrine disruptors (or hormonally active agents, HAAs) $500 Answer from Chemicals
$100 Question from Risk Analysis A mathematical statement (like 1 in 50,000) about the likelihood of an event happening is known as a _______________.
$100 Answer from Risk Analysis Probability
$200 Question from Risk Analysis Which is more likely to happen: Be hit by lightning (1 in 3 million) Be in a train crash (1 in 20 million)
$200 Answer from Risk Analysis Be hit by lightning (1 in 3 million)
$300 Question from Risk Analysis In what ways does poverty lead to premature death?
$300 Answer from Risk Analysis Malnutrition Unclean fresh water Poor healthcare Lower education levels
$400 Question from Risk Analysis ________ is America’s leading cause of preventable death.
$400 Answer from Risk Analysis Smoking
$500 Question from Risk Analysis Is the statement below more connected to risk assessment or risk management? “What are we going to do to reduce the risk?”
$500 Answer from Risk Analysis Risk management
$100 Question from Potpourri What are toxic agents that cause cancer called?
$100 Answer from Potpourri Carcinogens
$200 Question from Potpourri What are three main “routes of exposure” for toxins?
$200 Answer from Potpourri 1.Inhalation 2.Ingestion 3.Absorption
$300 Question from Potpourri True or False: Antibiotics should be used to treat viral diseases.
$300 Answer from Potpourri False – only bacterial diseases/infections should be treated with antibiotics.
$400 Question from Potpourri Name two examples of transmissible diseases and two examples of non-transmissible diseases.
$400 Answer from Potpourri Transmissible: –Malaria –HIV/AIDS –Cholera –Tuberculosis –Syphilis –Smallpox –Hepatitis B Non-transmissible: –Heart disease –Most cancers –Diabetes –Asthma –Emphysema –Alzheimer’s disease –Parkinson’s disease
$500 Question from Potpourri What term is given to nonhuman carriers of disease (such as mosquitoes and ticks)?
$500 Answer from Potpourri Vectors
Final Jeopardy What is the definition of a poison?
Final Jeopardy Answer It is a chemical that has a median lethal dose of 50 mg or less per kg of body weight.