AliceCindyEvaJoan V S. Online users’ preferences on search engines.
l. Introduction II. Thesis A. Literature Review B. Method C. Data Analysis and Discussion III. Conclusion IV. References Outline
Google and Yahoo are two of the most commonly used search engines in Taiwan. So we want to know more about the differences between them. Introduction A. Motivation
What are the differences in revenue sources between Yahoo and Google? RQ1 What do people care about on search engine? RQ2 B. Research Question
Thesis A. Literature review Search engineHomepage layoutSearch result GoogleCleanIndividual web pages YahooMany ADsMostly websites
Age (years old )Number 0~ ~4070 Over Participants : 217 are valid B. Method 1. Instruments
C. Data analysis and discussion RQ1:What are the differences in revenue sources between Yahoo and Google? Discussion: 1.Revenues 2.Web pages presentation
C. Data analysis and discussion RQ2: What do people care about on search engine? Habit Advertising layout Search result
C. Data analysis and discussion
Conclusion GoogleMore informationWeb application YahooKeyword-relatedClassification GoogleClean homepageNo pop-up ads YahooProducts and services sectionHandy Homepage layout Search result
Conclusion Revenue sources Management model Users’ preferences
王曉玟 (2013) 。愛他、怕他、利用他 ── 直擊 Google 五大據點。天下雜誌 雙周刊 (2013/12/11 ~ 2013/12/24) 劉祥亞 (2011) 。 Yahoo 甚麼都有,甚麼都奇怪。 SEO 搜尋排名 (2012) 。台灣眾多的上網人口中,最常使用的搜尋引擎。 取自 作者不詳。 Yahoo 網站排名優化技巧。取自 張勇 (2014) 。阿里市值美科技股第四首日即超亞馬遜和 eBay 之和。取自 林后奕、林子翔、林延澄 (2010) 。探討搜尋引擎 Yahoo 和 Google 之差異 性。取自 張志偉 (2000) 。 YAHOO! : 雅虎稱霸網際網路精彩傳奇。 References
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