1 Do Now 11/21 John Gast, American Progress, 1872
Unit 4: Government and Westward Expansion Unit Questions: 1.Does migration have more positive or negative outcomes? 2.Did American migration west have more positive or negative outcomes? Today’s Question: 1.How did Americans justify Westward Expansion with ideas of Manifest Destiny? Past Questions: 1.How did the United States’ geographic size change after Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France? Future Questions: 1.Were Lewis and Clark respectful to the Native Americans they encountered on their journey through the Louisiana Territory? 2.What hardships were faced by those who dared to travel out West?
Unit 4 Government and Westward Expansion
Our Big Goals 1. Earn at least 80% mastery on all assessments. 2. Earn at least at 4 out of 5 on the AP U.S. History Exam. 3. Grow to at least a 9 th grade level in argumentative writing. 4. Grow at least 2 years in reading. 5. Write a resume.
Manifest Destiny manifest: clear or obvious destiny: future or fate Pg. 48
7 “Obvious Fate” Manifest Destiny How did Americans justify Westward Expansion with ideas of Manifest Destiny? This idea inspired vast hopes and dreams among Americans that led to wars and changed the map of the United States. “Manifest Destiny” term made by John Sullivan, a well known newspaper writer Pg
8 1.Look at the map on page 221. Which expedition traveled to the Pacific Coast? 2.Which expedition ended in Spanish territory? 3.Which expedition do you think proved more useful to the American people? 4.Which country sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.? 5.Why did Jefferson think the Louisiana Purchase was good for the United States? 6.Why was the Mississippi River of crucial importance? 7.What were Lewis and Clark’s instructions 8.How far west did Lewis and Clark explore? 9.Why did Jefferson authorize the Lewis and Clark Expedition? 10.How did Lewis and Clark benefit settlers?
9 Map of United States, 1872
10 Map of United States, 1816
11 Map of the U.S., 1816 by John Melsih, a map maker who worked for Thomas Jefferson. This map was in the White House. Louisiana Purchase 1803 Land owned by Spain in 1816
12 John Melish’s comments to Thomas Jefferson on his 1816 map of the United States To present the country this way was desirable... The map shows at a glance the whole extent of the United States territory from sea to sea. In tracing the probable expansion of the human race from east to west, the mind finds an agreeable resting place on its western limits. The view is complete and leaves nothing to be wished for. It also adds to the beauty and symmetry of the map. Source: John Melish. Map of the United States with the contiguous British and Spanish Possessions. Philadelphia, 1816.
13 John O’Sullivan, "The Great Nation of Futurity," What does John O’Sullivan think America stands for? 2. What, according to John O’Sullivan, is America’s mission?
14 John O’Sullivan, “Annexation,” What do you think John O’Sullivan means by “our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions”? 2. Based on these two documents, how did Americans feel about expanding westward?
Discussion Questions 1.Why did Americans think they were so special? 2.Are you surprised by the reasons that O’Sullivan gives for expansion? 3.Do you think he really believes that God wants Americans to expand? 4.This theory that Americans are special is called “American Exceptionalism.” It’s this idea that America has had such a unique history and has become so powerful that there’s something really special about it. What do you think about this theory? How to discuss: “In the text, it says _________, which implies/makes me think…” “According to the text, _________ (answer) because _______ (evidence).” If answering from personal experience: “In my opinion, _________ (answer) because ___________ (explanation). If answering from textual/historical evidence: “According to the text/document, _________ (answer) because _________ (evidence).
Exit Ticket 1. How did Americans justify Westward Expansion? “Her high example shall put an end to... kings, and carry the happy news of peace and good will to millions who now endure an existence hardly better than that of beasts of the field. Who, then, can doubt that our country is destined to be the great nation of the future?” 2. In the first line, who is the “her” the author is referring to? “America has been chosen for this mission among all the nations of the world, which are shut out from the life-giving light of truth.” 3. Describe the mission the author is talking about in as much detail as possible.