Copy these terms in your spiral. You will need to know these terms for a quiz and/or test. Chapter 6 Vocabulary A Profile of the U.S. Gross National Product canal telecommunications free enterprise metropolitan area hierarchy hinterland
1 An Abundance of Natural Resources The United States has the world’s highest gross national product (GNP), or total value of a nation’s output of goods and services. Difference between GNP and GDP. Land is one of the United States’ most abundant natural resources. Nearly half of the land in the country, other than Alaska, is used for raising crops or animals. Forests provide material for a wide array of products. Oil, natural gas, and coal are vital to the energy supply and economy, but they are in limited supply.
Innovations in Transportation The development of steamboats, canals, and railroads made moving goods cheaper and quicker during the 1800s. The development of the automobile and diesel engine heralded the next revolution in transportation. In the 1950s, an interstate highway system began to be built to link major cities across the country. The telegraph revolutionized communication. The Internet, telephones, satellites, and other forms of telecommunication, or communication by electronic means, are becoming increasingly important to doing business. Innovations in Communication
Respect of Individual Freedoms The government established in 1789 reflected a shared belief in individual equality, opportunity, and freedom. These ideals supported an economic system based on capitalism, or free enterprise. One of the notions behind free enterprise is the belief that any hardworking individual can find opportunity and success in the United States.
2 Cities and Towns
2 Urban places are often discussed in terms of hierarchy, or rank, according to their function. A large city is called a metropolis and has large hinterlands, or areas of influence. A metropolis provides many cultural and economic services to its hinterlands. Smaller cities have a more limited range of activities and smaller hinterlands. Small towns and villages provide limited, basic services.
Create a Timeline Titled “Innovations that Changed the U.S.” Your timeline should begin in 1750 and end in Include a picture of at least five of the bold faced events and two of the events that are not bold faced. Include the following events in U.S. history. U.S. wins Revolutionary War. Constitution is ratified. Robert Fulton builds his first steamboat. The Erie Canal is completed. Beginning of the railroad era. (Find out who built the first locomotive to run in the states.) Completion of the transcontinental railroad. First large scale production of automobiles (who started it?) Production of the Model T by Henry Ford The Federal Aid Highway Act authorizes construction of an Interstate Highway System. The years of operation for the “Pony Express”. Invention of the telegraph (include inventor). Invention of the telephone (include inventor). The U.S. launches its first satellite into space. The first cellular phones are sold in the United States. The internet becomes available. Civil War World War I World War II Women gain the right to vote. The Beatles visit the U.S. for the first time. Jimi Hendrix dies. Civil Rights Movement. The Cold War ends (approximate).