LG4: Interpret indicators, including population pyramids, to determine level of development and standard of living.
Question of the day: Where has the quality of life improved the most since 1990? Geographic Terms: development, urbanization rate, life expectancy, GDP per capita, division of labor, infant mortality rate, less developed, more developed, Human Development Index, birth rate, death rate, population density, newly industrializing, standard of living, demographic indicators
A. GDP per capita—the total value of goods & services produced within a country divided by # of people in population B. Gross National Product (GNP)—total value of goods & services produced BY a country
A. Birth rate B. Death rate C. Infant mortality rate D. Life expectancy
A. Urbanization rate—number or percentage of people living in cities or urban areas; usually, higher rates indicate higher levels of dev’t B. Adult literacy rates—Participation in higher levels of economic activity (providing services & information) requires ability to read/write. C. Internet users D. No. of doctors E. Electricity consumption
A. Developing 1. Less diversified economies—mostly agriculture, mining, fishing, logging; some manufacturing 2. Lower levels of education & health care 3. Less urbanization 4. Reliance on agriculture low GDP 5. Population growth due to high birth rates & slightly lower death rates 6. May have less gov’t stabililty and/or more authoritarian gov’t a. Oligarchy=rule by a few people b. Military rule
B. Underdeveloped 1. agriculture, mining, fishing, logging, manufacturing/production; outsourced economic activity often located in underdeveloped countries 2. high birth rates 3. rapidly declining death rates rapid pop. growth 4. more gov’t stability—newly democratic
C. Developed 1. economic activity=providing goods/services & information 2. low birth rates 3. death rates only slightly different from birth rates slow or negative pop. growth 4. high urbanization, GDP/GNP, adult literacy 5. stable gov’t (democratic)
What patterns do you see? What processes created these patterns? What predictions can you make?
Using the packet you are given, record the data for each country. Determine the level of development. Color the map after constructing a legend. Use green for developed, orange for underdeveloped, and red for developing.