Moon and earth!!!! By: Jasey Goings Emily Millington & Emily Holder
Size!! The size of the moon is 2,000 miles in diameter The size of the earth is 12,742 kilometers in diameter as well
Landforms and Craters The moon has landforms and loads of craters.The earth as we all know has landforms and craters because it has an atmosphere and weather!!
gravity The effect of gravity on the moon is only about %17as strong as on the earth. On earth the gravity is 9.81 Sl
Weathering and Erosion The moon has no weathering and eroision. But the earth as we all know has weathering and erosoin caused of weather
Water!! Recently people found 25 gallons of water on the moon. The earth, as we all know has tons of water all on it.
Atmosphere There is no atmosphere on the moon. The layers of the earths atmosphere are exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and troposphere.
Weather The earth has weather such as rain, hail, tornado, foggy, sunny and a lot of other things The moon has no weather because it has no atmosphere it only has extreme temperatures.
It takes the earth 24 hours to rotate on its axis the time of our day so when the earth is facing the sun it is day time and when it is not it is night time. It takes the moon about 27 days to rotate on its axis. rotation rotation
REVOLVING The moon revolves around the earth once a month, or days. The earth revolves around the sun in 365 days and 6 hours. While the moon is rotating around the earth the earth is rotating around the sun
Tides The moon causes many of the tides because of the force of gravity between the Earth and the Moon.
Seasons!!! Seasons are caused because of the tilt of the earth on its axis. The moon does not have any seasons.
Fun facts!! The moon is about 4.5 million years old We always see the same side of the moon
credits Emily Holder Emily Millington Jasey Goings