Verifying Private Aids to Navigation 46 slides 30 minutes
Presented by the First Northern Aids to Navigation Team
Goals To understand the verification process. To be aware of the authorizing and reporting process. To learn the paperwork preparation process.
First District Mission Provide support and assistance to CG ATON Teams and Auxiliary Units. Oversee the establishment, positioning, maintenance and disestablishment of Private ATONs. Collect, process and disseminate navigational info to mariners.
Team Coast Guard In a given AOR, it is common practice for local Auxiliary members to work with the AOR Coast Guard Cutter or ATON Team to develop secondary ‘missions’ or activities that are unique to that AOR. Presence of such additional activities demonstrates a healthy Team Coast Guard relationship!
Private Aid Definition Any signal placed in the navigable waterways of the United States by any person or institution other than the U.S. Coast Guard or other branch of the Armed Forces is considered to be a private aid to navigation or (PATON).
USCG Authority In accordance with subpart 66 of Title 33 CFR, no person, public body or instrumentality not under the control of the Commandant, exclusive of the Armed Forces, shall establish and maintain, discontinue, change, or transfer ownership of any private aid to maritime navigation without first obtaining permission to do so from Commandant. This authority is delegated to the District Coast Guard Commander.
Private ATON Regulations Failure to Comply: When repair is unreasonably delayed the CO/OinC of the inspecting unit may request, in writing, that CCGDONE revoke the owner’s authorization to operate private aids and to order the removal of the aids.
AV Certification – Annual Currency Requirements The Coast Guard District 1 Standard Operating Procedures, does not state any requirements for Aid Verifiers, however at the Operating Unit level, AVs who submit a minimum of three (3) valid AN reports per year or attend AV Training within the current year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) will satisfy the currency requirements. The required three minimum reports can include: Private aid verifications or discrepancies, Federal aid discrepancies, and/or Bridge lighting verifications or discrepancies.
AUXDATA reporting for currency maintenance and annual awards program. The only way to get credit for your PATON activity is by submitting an “ANSC-7030 Activity Report – Mission” to your IS Staff Officer.
Private Aid Classifications Class I Class II Class III
Class I Private Aids Class I Private Aids Class I Private Aids are aids to navigation on marine structures, including bridges or other works for which the owners are legally obligated to establish, maintain and operate as prescribed by the United States Coast Guard. Class I aids are listed in the Light List. CG ANT Verifying Unit - CG ANT Inspected annually by July 1
Class II Private Aids Class II Aids to Navigation, exclusive of Class I, are located in waters used by general navigation. Usually listed in the Light List. USCG Auxiliary Verifying Unit - USCG Auxiliary Inspected annually by July 1 st.
Class III Private Aids Class III Aids to Navigation (exclusive of Class I and Class II) are located in waters not ordinarily used by general Navigation. Usually not found in the Light List. USCG Auxiliary Verifying Unit – USCG Auxiliary Inspected every three (3) years
Annual AN Assignment List District USCG AN outputs work list of Class I, II and III to: CG ANT - inspects Class I annually. AUX Aid Verifiers - verify Class II annually by July 1st. AUX Aid Verifiers - verify Class III every three years. There are over 1,700 Private Aids in First District, Northern Region. PATONS by USCG ANT AOR: BOSTON 402 WOODS HOLE 858 BRISTOL 268 PORTLAND 172 TOTAL 1,700
Application Process CG-2554 Web Page/Mail Received at D1 (oan) Create folder w/check sheet Assign District tracking number Plot aid on applicable chart Assign Primary ATON Unit Determine Aid Classification Assign LLNR or District Serial No. Class I & II Class III Review CZM and ACOE approval Letters if applicable Ensure CG 2554 is complete Approve/Disapprove Mail a copy of all above correspondence to Primary ATON Unit to create the Aids Permanent Record Folder Temp PATON less than six months will remain at D1 Create a D1 (oan) folder with copies of all pertinent info Private Aid Program Management
PATON Verification Loop D1 Paton Manager creates Paton Aid Assignment list Aid Assignment list ed to appropriate ANT team Ant team assigns CG Auxiliary Aid Verifiers with work list consisting of class II or III for inspection/verification Ant/AUX inputs inspection results into ATONIS Discrepancy list e- mailed to D1 for BNM/LNM
Auxiliary PATON Verifications AV uses Private Aid Verification Form to verify info, position and condition of private aid. The Private Aid Verification Form goes back to ANT team for ATONIS input/discrepancy report (message to Group or District) and owner notification. BNM / LNM issued if necessary.
PATON Follow-up Process AUX AV re-inspects the discrepant PATON when ANT is notified of correction by owner. PATON Verification Form is sent to ANT for data input to ATONIS by AV. Discrepancy communicated by BNM or LNM (if necessary).
Private Aid Discrepancies Unauthorized Establishments Will not show in any official publication or on any list. Report on Private Aid Verification form or CG-5474 form.
Private Aid Folders Four (4) Part Folders, containing: Private Aid Information Document--PID (Atonis). Private Aid Verification Form (Atonis). Aids to Navigation Report or Copy of CG Rev Message Traffic, Chartlet, and Pictures. File is maintained in CG ANT office.
PID – Private Aid Information Document Generated from the USCG Aids to Navigation System (ATONIS). Six Sections: Aid Identification. General Marine Information. Positioning and Chart Information. Signals/Specifications. Structures. Authority. Owner Responsible Party. distributed to Aids Verifiers
Private Aid Verification Form (See page 126 for an example) Generated from the USCG Aids to Navigation System (Atonis). Four Sections: Aid Information. Verifying Information. Positioning Information. Discrepancy Information.
PATON Verification Form Aid Information Section You can record your observations directly on this form to save time. Latitude and Longitude Depth Light Characteristic / 12 ft 1245
PATON Verification Form Verifying Information Section Enter your name, Member ID Number, and Phone Number. J. Jones 8/15/ DIV 10 Verify the PATON to the listing in the Light List. Does it match? X Does the PATON conform to the IALA-B System of Aids to Navigation? Verify the PATON’s position using GPS, DGPS, or WAAS. No need for sextant angles or bearings! X X Also include a reference to the accuracy of your GPS / WAAS reading, such as: DOP – Dissolution of Position. or EPE – Estimated Position Error. EPE 10.3 ft.
PATON Verification Form Discrepancy Information Section Check the discrepancy(s) that apply or list them in the “Comments” section below. For “CRITICAL” and “URGENT” reports, check the method used to report the incident directly to the Coast Guard, the time reported, and the unit or agency to whom you made the report. Remember to convert your GPS readings to DEG—MIN—SEC format. “Multiply the decimal minutes by 60” min equals 60 x.25 = 15 sec.
Critical PATON Discrepancies Report by the most expeditious means available: Phone directly to the CG ANT. Radio to local CG Station. Advise them to log the incident and report it to the ANT ASAP. Be sure that the ANT is informed. Always follow up with a hard copy report to your CG ANT Auxiliary Contact within 24 hours of the observation.
URGENT PATON Discrepancies Report by the most expeditious means available: Phone directly to the CG ANT. Be sure that the ANT is informed. Always follow up with a hard copy report to your CG ANT Auxiliary Contact within 24 hours of the observation.
ROUTINE PATON Discrepancies Forward your discrepancy report to your CG ANT Auxiliary Contact within 24 hours of the observation. By Government Mail or, By .
When PATONs are found watching properly: Simply write “Watching Properly” on the Private Aid Verification form. Mail or it to your CG ANT Auxiliary Contact within 24 hours of the observation.
USCG ATONIS/AAPS Private Aid Verification Form __________________________________ Aid Num: 126 FLAT ROCK DANGER BUOY N AUX Num : 0 Aid Type : ULB Depth: W LLNR: Snd Type: Lt Char: Charts: Last Insp: 07/20/2003 Mile Marker : 0 Unit Remarks: AID NOT FOUND District Remarks Watching Properly
DOs and DON’Ts for AVs Aid Verifiers.
The Do’s for Aid Verifiers. Aid Verifier should always: Recommend establishing new aids. Report unauthorized aids. Redirect private aid questions to the Operating Unit (ANT--Group). Report discrepancies at anytime regardless of the primary mission activity or while on a recreational outing. Maintain a superior working relationship with Coast Guard Aid to Navigation Team. Don’t hesitate to ask them questions, or for clarification.
The DON’Ts for AVs An Aid Verifier must never: Attempt to move or fix a private aid. Enter private property (trespass), even if to only visually verify an aid. Contact a private aid owner. Originate correspondence to a private aid owner.
This Year’s AV Goals. Complete verifications on 100% of Class IIs by July 1 st 100% of Class IIIs by Sept 1st
Any questions about the 2005 Private Aid Program? Thank you for your support and commitment to the D1 Aid to Navigation Program
Remember... CG ANT Your Coast Guard reporting job is not done until your CG ANT is notified about the discrepancy. AUXDATA Your Auxiliary reporting job is not done until your have reported your PATON activity to your SO- IS and AUXDATA.
Any questions about “WHEN” to report ATON discrepancies to your CG ANT?
How to report PATON Verifications to the CG ANT A Verification occurs when no discrepancies are observed on a PATON – Private aid. Report all PATON verifications within 24 hours of their observation. Just write “Watching Properly” on the Private Aid Verification form. Forward to the USCG ANT Auxiliary Contact for your AOR.
The CG Auxiliary Job of reporting PATONs! Your job of reporting discrepancies to the Coast Guard should be completed within 24 hours from the time and date of the observation (both initial report and follow-up) Don’t bother to send outdated discrepancy or verification reports since they have no value and will be discarded. Never delay a report while developing photos. Send a follow-up report with the photos at a later date.
ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO REPORT PATON VERIFICATIONS TO THE COAST GUARD? Remember that you still have to get credit for your PATON activity in AUXDATA.
USCG ATONIS/AAPS Private Aid Verification Form __________________________________ Aid Num: 126 FLAT ROCK DANGER BUOY N AUX Num : 0 Aid Type : ULB Depth: W LLNR: Snd Type: Lt Char: Charts: Last Insp: 07/20/2003 Mile Marker : 0 Unit Remarks: AID NOT FOUND District Remarks Watching Properly
Any questions about: Complete Task 2-1 To whom do PATON regulations apply– page 118. Complete Task 2-2 Penalty for failure to comply – page 128. Complete Task 2-3 Differences between Class I, II and III PATONS – page 119. Complete Task 2-4 Maintenance and discontinuance of PATONs – page 120.
Any questions about: Complete Task 5-1 Calibrate a Fathometer– page 138. Complete Task 5-2 Effect of wind and current on a floating aid – page 138. Complete Task 5-3 Procedure for taking soundings at a PATON – page 139.
You have 20 minutes to: Complete Task 2-5 Prepare a CG 2554 Form – pages 121 and 122. Complete Task 3-2 Complete a Private Aid Verification Form – pages 125 to 127. Complete Task 3-3 PATON missing report – pages 127 and 128. Complete Task 3-4 Report two unauthorized aids – pages 129 to 131.
D1 PATON Process