Where I’m headed after graduating from JHS After today’s lesson, you’ll… -understand the FAFSA -know how to apply to college -walk away with a “check-list” to help with your next steps
There are 34 Community & Technical Colleges in WA State
BLS data as of 11/2012
You get a job on campus $$ you borrow & pay back (with interest) $$ you are awarded & don’t have to pay back An award of financial assistance (you don’t have to pay back) Free Application for Federal Student Aid – A must do to get some of the below $$
Log in at:
You will need your Social Security Number to apply for your PIN (used as your electronic signature)
The trick to getting $$ for college… KEEP APPLYING!!!
You only need to apply to the college you want to attend Applying to a Community or Technical College
Use this checklist to help with your College Application & Financial Aid “To-Do’s”
Helpful reminders about the FAFSA
Today’s “next steps”… 1.Look over your college’s webpage information, and start your application! 2.Apply for your FAFSA pin number: 3.Work on the WashBoard Scholarship site: 4.Talk with your counselor 5.Complete an “Exit Slip” and turn it in