Job Analysis What is job analysis How do you carry out a JA Types of JA’s Develop a JA Case study
Job Analysis Job Description Title Location Summary of job List of duties Machine, equipment and Tools used Supervision given and received Working conditions Hazards Job Description Title Location Summary of job List of duties Machine, equipment and Tools used Supervision given and received Working conditions Hazards Job Specification Education Training required Experience Initiative Judgment Responsibilities Skills & Abilities Emotional characteristics Unusual sensory demands Job Specification Education Training required Experience Initiative Judgment Responsibilities Skills & Abilities Emotional characteristics Unusual sensory demands Job information gathering Job information gathering
Job Analysis Performance Management Recruitment & Selection Training & Development Remuneration Job Evaluation
Performing Job Analysis Select job to study Step 1 Determine information to collect Identify sources of data Methods of data collection Evaluate & verify data Step 3 Step 2 Step 4 Step 5 Write job report Step 6
Determining Job Requirements What the employee does How the employee does it Why the employee does it Determining job requirements Summary statement of the job Personal qualifications required: Skills, education & experience Working conditions affecting: Health, safety, & comfort Employee orientation Employee instruction Supervision & control disciplinary Grievance handling Recruitment & selection Training & development Job evaluation & wage determination Health & safety programs Job analysis Job description Job specification Nature of: Basis for:
Preparing the Job Description Job analyst Possible references Interview Questionnaire observation Interviews questionnaires Supervisor ASCO Employee Combine and Reconcile data Other employer's descriptions Securing consensus Tentative Draft Final Draft