School-Wide Leadership Jobs! Are you interested in applying for a Johnson Leadership Job??
Apply for the CLEANING CLUB! For ALL Grades: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Job Description: Do you like to clean up hallways and the playground? Would you like to help clean every other Tuesday? Do you want to help Ms. Margaret? Pick up an application during lunch to learn more!
Apply to be a GREETER! For Grades: K, 1, 2! Job Description: Would you like to help greet students and adults before an assembly or school event? Would you like to write welcome letters for new students? Would you like to assist with school tours? Pick up an application during lunch to learn more!
Apply to be an AID! For Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5! Job Description: Do you like being a classroom helper? Would you like to help in the office, lunchroom, and Library? Would you like to the Principal and PTA? Are you a great organizer? Pick up an application during lunch to learn more!
Apply to be a TUTOR or MENTOR! For Grades: 3, 4, 5! Job Description: Do you like to help students of all ages learn? Are you good at teaching things to others? Do you know how to help someone without just giving them the answers? Pick up an application during lunch to learn more!
Apply to be a JOURNALIST! For Grades: 4, 5! Job Description: Do you like to research topics and share them with others? Are you interested in interviewing adults and students? Do you like to write? Are you responsible and complete quality work? Do you always turn your work in on time? Pick up an application during lunch to learn more!
Applications can be found outside our Johnson Dining Room!