Do you have what it takes to get the job???
Job Duties and Responsibilities Skills Education/Training Wages and Benefits Work Location and Environment Job Prospects or Outlook Different jobs will have different requirements and qualifications or “Job Factors”.
Job duties/responsibilities/tasks – Factors that you must complete or what you “do” while at work… Examples: drive a tractor, write a story, calculate weekly pay roll, prepare food, design a house
Skills and Abilities – things that you can do and do well. You can improve your skills, but abilities are usually natural, you either have them or your don’t. Skill Ability
Academic skills – reading, writing, speaking, listening, math, science, and basic computer skills Thinking skills – thinking creatively, visualizing ideas, making decisions, analyzing, reasoning, and evaluating. Personal skills – positive attitude, self- esteem, sociability, flexibility, integrity, responsibility, leadership, and a “team” focus.