Next Generation Data Center in RRC “Kurchatov Institute” Vladimir Dobretsov Moscow, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Next Generation Data Center in RRC “Kurchatov Institute” Vladimir Dobretsov Moscow, 2007

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute2 Next Generation Data Center hardware Next Generation Data Center hardware Consists of clusters with the total performance about 6 TFlopsConsists of clusters with the total performance about 6 TFlops

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute3 Next Generation Data Center software Next Generation Data Center software Based on open-source softwareBased on open-source software Uses Grid technologies (LCG/gLite)Uses Grid technologies (LCG/gLite) Uses Virtualization Technology (Xen)Uses Virtualization Technology (Xen) On-demand resource allocationOn-demand resource allocation Automatic managementAutomatic management Provides compute and storage resources for diverse services and applicationsProvides compute and storage resources for diverse services and applications

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute4 Next Generation Data Center people Next Generation Data Center people Highly qualified specialistsHighly qualified specialists Several research teamsSeveral research teams Experts in Grid, Virtualization, Networking and SecurityExperts in Grid, Virtualization, Networking and Security Participation in various international projectsParticipation in various international projects

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute5 Enabling Grids for E-SciencE (EGEE) Project Kurchatov Institute’s Data Center is a site of the EGEE global Grid infrastructureKurchatov Institute’s Data Center is a site of the EGEE global Grid infrastructure “The EGEE project brings together experts from over 27 countries with the common aim of building on recent advances in Grid technology and developing a service Grid infrastructure which is available to scientists 24 hours-a-day.”

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute6 “Kurchatov Institute” in EGEE We provide:We provide: –Basic Grid services –Resources for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Grid users (ATLAS, ALICE, CMS, LHCb VOs) –Resources for Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Grid users (FUSION VO) We are:We are: –Russian Certificate Authority –Russian Grid security team –Russian Grid network support

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute7 Russian Certificate Authority

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute8 Integrated Site Security for Grids Project in collaboration with CERN ISSeG aims to contribute to the consolidation of the European Grid infrastructure in the field of computer security by creating and disseminating practical expertise on the deployment of Integrated Site Security, as a complementary action to EGEE Grid Security.

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute9 Data processing for the LHC experiments Collider ATLAS ALICE CMS LHCb detectors

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute10 Plasma devices configuration optimization → M.I.Mikhailov, A.A.Subbotin, Improved alpha-particle confinement instellarators with poloidally closed contours of the magnetic field strength. // Nucear Fusion 42 (2002) L23-L26 ITER Project

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute11 Simulations of heavy atoms collisions Эволюция распределений барионной плотности и полей скорости в сечении системы плоскостью реакции. Реакция Pb+Pb, E=158 ГэВ/нуклон (энергия SPS, ЦЕРН). Модель: Phys. Rev. C, 2006, v. 73, No. 4, [nucl-th/ ], Phys. Rev. C, 2006, v. 74, No. 3, [nucl-th/ ]

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute12 Nano physics Phase equilibrium of austenite- cementite in steels Structure of austenite and epsilon-cementite Model of nano-particle formation on the early stages of alloy precipitation experiment and theory DOS in paramagnetic NiO

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute13 Remote graphics rendering Collaboration with the largest Russian movie studio: MOSFILM Provide resources for remote rendering in production of movies and animations

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute14 Distance Learning in collaboration with Oracle Provide our resources for hosting Oracle applications to be used for distance demonstration, training and teaching in several Russian Universities

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute15 Adaptive Virtualised Data Center Project in collaboration with HPLabs The aim is to develop and implement an adaptive Virtualised Infrastructure based on Xen virtual machines:The aim is to develop and implement an adaptive Virtualised Infrastructure based on Xen virtual machines: –to serve diverse applications including Grid jobs –to create and provide services on-demand –to allocate resources on-demand –to manage resources automatically –to provide Quality-of-Service –to isolate execution environment –to improve resource utilization

NGDC in Kurchatov Institute16 APPLICATIONS high energy physics nuclear physics plasma physics nuclear fusion nano physics graphics rendering distance learning data bases remote desktops …TECHNOLOGIES open-source software grid technologies virtualization technologies on-demand resource allocation automatic management security … NEXT GENERATION DATA CENTER