doc.: IEEE /313 Submission September 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas InstrumentsSlide 1 High Rate b Study Group Report September 20, 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Ph.D. Chairperson, HRbSG
doc.: IEEE /313 Submission September 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas InstrumentsSlide 2 Letter Ballot #23 Letter Ballot #23 which contained one motion to reaffirm support of the PAR for extension of b to rates greater than 20Mbps was approved on a vote of Reviewed YES WITH COMMENTS vote on letter ballot #23. No further action required on Letter Ballot #23
doc.: IEEE /313 Submission September 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas InstrumentsSlide 3 TGg Selection Documents Approved document r3 as the official version Selection Procedure on vote of Approved document r4 as the official version of the Functional Requirements on vote of Approved document r9 as the official version of the Comparison Criteria on vote of Anticipate calling for motion at Friday Plenary to approve these documents.
doc.: IEEE /313 Submission September 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas InstrumentsSlide 4 Submissions Heard Related to Docs. 209, 210 and 211 Evaluating the Performance of HRb Proposals in Multipath –Mark Webster, Karen Halford and Steve Halford, Intersil Doc.: Modeling Multipath and Fading –Chris Heegard, Sean Coffey and Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments Doc.: Suggested PA Model for HRb –Mark Webster, Intersil Doc.: Suggested Phase Noise Model for HRb SG –Mark Webster, Intersil Doc.: Evaluating Channel Estimation Sensitivity –Steve Halford and Mark Webster, Intersil Doc.:
doc.: IEEE /313 Submission September 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas InstrumentsSlide 5 Regulatory Matters Approved motion related to meeting with FCC. Will present motion to Plenary on Wednesday afternoon.
doc.: IEEE /313 Submission September 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas InstrumentsSlide 6 Draft Press Release Document 217r3 contains the revised version of the draft HRbSG press release Support of this press release was reaffirmed on a vote of
doc.: IEEE /313 Submission September 2000 Matthew B. Shoemake, Texas InstrumentsSlide 7 Activities for the Remainder of the Session As TGg adopt work thus far of HRbSG Take up issuing Call for Proposals and determine cut-off date Review remaining submissions Discuss liaison with –ISO –IEEE SCC34 - Electromagnetic Energy Product Performance Safety –IEC TC106 – Testing Instrumentation and Methods for Measuring Electronic and Magnetic Fields Associated with Human Exposure