Pikeville Regional Science Olympiad General Information
The Web Site NEW/PCRSO.html Here you will find a huge number of resources for your team as well as our regional competition. We update the information from time-to-time, so please check back often!!
Five time blocks! A team will follow the schedule for A, B, C or D. Multiple teams from the same school will be assigned the same letter. You may request which letter (choice #1, #2, #3) you desire, however, there is no guarantee that you will get #1 or #2 since there will only be 3 teams assigned per letter. Building events MAY be rescheduled with permission.
Student Registration Form –Excel file....due back via by 2/5/2016 Vandalism and Behavior –Coach, Team members, and Principal must sign –Coaches or members of a team which violate the spirit of the competition may be disqualified Arbitration –Only coaches can discuss problems with an event supervisor or tournament official –Arbitration must be done only by a coach (i.e. no parents or students) and must be in writing, consultation may be verbally
Many events have safety considerations. The most misunderstood is the use of approved safety goggles. Eye protection now has 5 categories!! #1. Safety Spectacles (ANSI Z87) #2. Safety Spectacles with Side Shields (ANSI Z87) #3. Particle Protection Goggles (ANSI Z87) #4. Chemical/Splash Protection Goggles (ANSI Z87) #5. High Impact Protection (ANSI Z87+)
There are a specific individuals designated as the official contact person for every event. These individuals are regional directors. What they say extends state-wide for the competition.
Your Resource Material Information items related to specific events: PowerPoint’s, images, web- links, information sheets, sample exams, guides, illustrations, etc. Listed where available!!
Check in that Day Must have Vandalism/Behavior form signed and submitted Each team member will get a wrist band with the team name on it Each coach will get an official badge
The Need for Coaches The rule is that there should be a different adult coach (teacher, parent, volunteer, etc.) assigned and present for each registered team. This rule is being highly enforced at the State competition at WKU.
General Comments About Impounded Events Impound objects will be collected at multiple locations (Gym, Food Science event location, Wind Power event location, It’s About Time event location, and the Protein Modeling event location) during the 8:30-9:30 Round 1 period. –Impound areas will be monitored and/or locked during the entire day. –Only local support staff will be allowed into impound area. –If necessary, impounded items may be “coat-checked” with a pick-up ticket provided to participant!
More About Impounded Events All impounded objects must remain in their respective event area (or the impound area) until 30 minutes after the end of the final competition (for that event). –This allows for any final arbitration to take place. These events/objects include: Air Trajectory (B & C)Air Trajectory (B & C) Food Science (B)Food Science (B) Wind Power (B & C)Wind Power (B & C) Scrambler (B)Scrambler (B) It’s About Time (C)It’s About Time (C) Protein Modeling (C)Protein Modeling (C) Electric Vehicle (C)Electric Vehicle (C)
Even More on Impounded Events This rule is being extended to those building events that are non-impound; the device must remain in the event area for 30 minutes after the end of the final competition. This includes: –Bottle Rocket (B) –Bridge Building (B & C) –Elastic Launch Glider (B) –Mission Possible (B) –Robot Arm (C) –Wright Stuff (C)
Other General Comments Remember all event supervisors are volunteers Some errors may not be correctable If an error occurs in the a round it will be held consistent throughout the day Disqualified students will be allow to test and be scored if there are not safety concerns and the device can be tested. All disqualified projects will be scored below all that meet the rules.
Scoring Program is in-line with the national scoring guidelines!! Teams making an honest attempt to participate that cannot be assigned a raw score because of time, mechanical failure, wrong dimensions, etc., will be listed as a “P” for Participation for the raw score and will be awarded N points. If a team does not show up or does not make an honest attempt to participate, the team will be listed as a No Show or “NS” for the raw score and awarded N+1 points. This includes teams who may be present but display no preparation for the competition. Teams will be Disqualified or “DQ” only for misbehavior (to include excessive use of improper or vulgar language) or cheating. A DQ as a raw score awards N+2 points.
Questions?? Please send us an !