Brooke Eppinga, Ashley Greene, Melissa Pohlman ECED 4300A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 Grade Level: 5 th Specific form of Writing: Business Letters
Ashley Greene ECED 4300A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 n Grade Level: 5 th n Specific Form of Writing: Business Letter n Stage of Writing: Prewriting
Ashley Greene ECED 4300A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 n GPS: ELA5W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student a. Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements. n PLO: The student will complete a graphic organizer to prepare for writing a business letter.
Ashley Greene’s Form & Stage n Form of Writing: Business letters are used for very formal or official situations. These types of letters are usually written to inform people of something, to ask a question, or to respond to a letter that was previously written. n Stage of Writing: The prewriting stage is used to prepare for the writing that is going to take place. During this stage you will identify the audience, form, purpose, and topic.
Ashley Greene’s Show & Explain n Trawick, L. (2007). Writing the basic business letter. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from 53/01/ 53/01/ 53/01/ n This website could be used to introduce children to the different parts of a business letter. The website will help the children understand in detail what each part of the business letter format contains. n This model fits well because it show the different parts of the format, as well as examples for the format.
Ashley Greene’s Practice Activity n I will give the students the topic “Write a letter to your favorite musician and ask them to come and perform at your school.” n Next, we will discuss the topic, audience, format, and purpose. n Then the class will use the shared pen technique to complete a graphic organizer.
Ashley Greene’s Assessment n Tell the students that the topic they will use is “Write a letter to the principal asking to have pizza for lunch every Friday.” n Have the students complete the graphic organizer that has been given to them.
Brooke Eppinga ECED 4300A Dr. Root, Fall 2007 n Grade level: 5 th n Specific form of writing: Business Letter n Stage of writing: Drafting
Brooke Eppinga ECED 4300A Dr. Root, Fall 2007 n GPS: ELA5W4: The students consistently uses a writing process to develop revise, and evaluate writing. The student a.Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully PLO: Students will draft a business letter.
Brooke Eppinga’s Form and Stage n Form of writing: Business letter have many purposes some are to request information, write a complaint letter, and suggest a change. When writing a business letter it is important to write to who will receive the letter. n Stage of Writing: When writing a business letter it is important to DRAFT first. Business letters have a specific format.
Brooke Eppinga’s Form and Stage Business letter format n Have a heading: which is your address and date one inch on the upper right side of the page n Skip two lines and write the name and address of the person or organization you are contacting n Skip two lines and write a greeting
Brooke Eppinga’s Form and Stage Business letter format n Begin your letter n First paragraph : explain who you are and why are you writing n Second paragraph, gives your opinion or makes a request n Third paragraph, write about what you would like him or her to do n Fourth paragraph, thank the person n Fifth paragraph, write a closing n Sign your name at the bottom of the paper.
Brooke Eppinga’s Show and Explain n (2007). Time for kids homework helper. Retrieved November 18, 2007, from Time for kids Web site: as/articles/0,19900,634423,00.html as/articles/0,19900,634423,00.html as/articles/0,19900,634423,00.html n Time For Kids n This website gives a great model of a business letter, how to begin a pre-write for it, and a checklist to make sure you included everything in the letter correctly!
Brooke Eppinga’s Practice Activity n The students already have a topic with Ashley Greene’s graphic organizer “Write a letter to your favorite musician and ask them to come and perform at your school.” n We will work on the format of our letter. The heading, greeting, paragraphs and closing. n Have the students use the shared pen technique to complete the format of the letter. Having one student come up for the heading, greeting…etc.
Brooke Eppinga’s Assessment n The students already have their topic from Ashley’s graphic organizer, “Write a letter to the principal asking to have pizza for lunch every Friday.” n Have the students use their graphic organizer to help them complete their draft. n Keep the model on the board so they know how the letter should be formated.
Melissa Pohlman ECED 4300-A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2007 Fifth Grade Business Letters Revising
Melissa Pohlman ECED 4300-A n GPS – ELA5W4B The student revises manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidating, clarifying and rearranging words and sentences. n PLO – The students will revise their business letters by adding, deleting and rearranging information.
Melissa Pohlman’s Form and Stage n Writing Business Letters –A business letter is very formal. –It is usually written to someone you do not know. –It can be written to ask a question, request information, or tell that person about a problem and how you think that problem should be handled
Melissa Pohlman’s Form and Stage n Revising Stage –The revising stage is where you will change the content of your letter. This can be done by adding, removing, or rearranging sentences. –This is also the time where you will make sure you have used the correct form for a business letter. –This checklist will help you make sure you included everything. – dfs/checklists/businessletter_checklist.pdf
Melissa Pohlman’s Show and Explain n APA Citation:(2006). Writing Business Letters. Retrieved November 18, 2007, from Write on Reader Web site: rms%20of%20writing/sl_businessletter. htm n This website contains a brief explanation of all of the components of a business letter. It also shows a sample business letter written by a fifth grade class.
Melissa Pohlman’s Practice Activity n As a practice activity I would use the shared pen technique using the same topic used in the prewriting and drafting stages (writing a letter to their favorite musician.) n I will ask the students for suggestions about improvements on their letter they wrote and have the students write their suggestions they made. n We will also follow the checklist to make sure that letters are in the correct format.
Melissa Pohlman’s Assessment n As an assessment activity, I will have the students revise their letters. n The letters they be revising will be the same ones that they previously drafted (writing a letter to the principle asking if they can eat pizza every Friday)