Gale/TEL and APA Formatting Gullett: The Historical Cell
GVRL Search terms Cell theory spontaneous generation invention of the microscope compound microscope Louis Pasteur, Zacharias Jansen, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Robert Hooke, Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, Rudolf Virchow Use the Citation Tools to generate your APA citation and copy/paste it onto your Works Cited page.
Science in Context Browse Topics: Biology/Cells (Search within results—cell theory). Browse Topics: Biographies/Louis Pasteur. (Search within results—spontaneous generation). Search for each scientist by name. The citations that appear at the bottom of each article are in MLA format. To generate a citation in APA, use Citation Tools.
TEL Offers some resources that Gale does not so search here too Student Resources in Context—Search terms: Cell theory Spontaneous generation Compound microscope Scientists by name Again, the citations that appear at the bottom of each article are in MLA format. To generate a citation in APA, use Citation Tools.
The Five W’s of Website Evaluation Who? Who wrote the pages? What? What type of site is it and is the purpose of the site? What information is on the site? When? When was the site created? How long since it has been updated? How old is the information? Where? Where does the information come from? Why? Why is this information useful for my purpose? Why is this page better than another? Use these criteria to find reliable online resources.
APA Formatting Basics The paper is double spaced, as well as the reference page. The citation has a hanging indent. All information used in the paper must be in the reference page. Any information that is not your own needs to be cited. Works cited is last name, first initial Ex. Doe, J. When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998), and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. Citations are listed alphabetically on the References page.
Citation Builders and Resources Purdue OWL— The ultimate resource and formatting/style guide for MLA, APA and more. Includes all the rules for parenthetical citations and building a proper works cited page. MTSU citation style guides— and Easy to use resource that includes formatting/style guides for MLA, APA and more. Includes all the rules for parenthetical citations and building a proper works cited page. Perhaps better for high school students than Purdue OWL because of its brief format. Easy Bib— Free MLA citation generator. Paid subscription for additional styles and resources (but can get a brief free trial for APA). Allows you/your students to copy and paste a URL and generate an instant citation. Also allows you to manually enter information into a wizard to create a citation. Can be temperamental! BibMe— Free citation generator for all styles that allows you/your students to copy and paste a URL and generate an instant citation. Also allows you to manually enter information into a wizard to create a citation. Automatically builds a works cited that is downloadable once you sign up for a free account.