Kevin Croff Educational Leadership Portfolio March 2005
Contents Introduction - please click here and read first Resume Platform Standard 1 - Vision for Learning Standard 2 - School Culture & Professional Development Standard 3 - Management Standard 4 - Collaboration & Community Involvement Standard 5 - Ethics Standard 6 - Influencing the Political, Social, Economic, Legal, and Cultural Context Goals Self-Reflection
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Standard 1 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. Artifact 1: Artifact 1: this is a PDF file of a “toolkit” I used to develop a vision for our technology integration group. Although it is directed at technology, most of the components apply to administrative situations. Contents Artifact 2: Artifact 2: this is an Excel file that shows the framework of a technology levy demonstrating the 5 year vision we had planned for it.
Standard 2 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Artifact 1: Artifact 1: this is a Word document of the technology integration curriculum guidelines my committee developed for students, teachers and administrators. We also are creating a website that hosts resources for teachers to help implement each objective Contents Artifact 2: Artifact 2: this is an Excel file that shows the TAGLIT assessment data for the district that will allow administrators to decide what forms of technology related professional development their teachers need.
Standard 3 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. Artifact 1: Artifact 1: this is a discipline plan developed for a student that was extremely defiant to me. The parties involved tried to incorporate some positive points for the student. Contents Artifact 2: Artifact 2: this is an article from our local paper covering an incident between two staff members and a student. The situation is a perfect example of why an administrator needs to be in touch with his/her staff and document constantly.
Standard 4 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. Artifact 1: Artifact 1: this is an article from the local newspaper covering information on a technology levy that I helped prepare and design a framework for. Contents Artifact 2: Artifact 2: this is an article from the local newspaper reminding me that a few newspaper articles and speaking to a few community groups will not pass a mill levy. Public relations is an on-going issue and some times there are external issues you have no control over.
Standard 5 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. Artifact 1: Artifact 1: this is an article pertaining to a contract renewal issue of two non-tenured teachers. Administrators and board members had to address some ethical and moral issues. Contents
Standard 6 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. Artifact 1: Artifact 1: this is an article that reflects on the strike that Billings went through in The strike taught me many lessons; particularly on legal and political stands. Contents Artifact 2: Artifact 2: this is an article that demonstrates how social and cultural issues can prompt political actions. These guidelines were adopted because of the attention of the matter between the two staff members I mentioned in Standard 3. One parent with the support of the paper essentially spawned the development of these guidelines.