AKOGRIMO Integration of Grid services with mobile technologies; validation in e-health, e-learning and disaster management areas CoreGRID European Grid Network of Excellence; strengthening European cooperation in the area of Grid and P2P technologies DataMiningGrid Development of Grid tools for text mining and ontology learning services, proof-of-concept applications in e-science and e-business GridCoord Strengthening cooperation between funding authorities and principal Grid researchers; developing EU visions and roadmaps K-WfGrid Enabling semiautomatic construction of Grid application workflows through monitoring Grid status and application behavior NextGrid Developing business-oriented Grid solutions, with focus on cost-effectiveness, security, legal issues and standardization OntoGrid Developing an infrastructure to facilitate rapid deployment of knowledge- intensive open services for the semantic Grid Provenance Developing tools for ascertaining the provenance (i.e. origin and validity) of results and other data obtained from the Grid HPC4U Development of software for reliable Grids with guaranteed QoS; Service-Level Agreements and commodity-based clusters InteliGrid Enabling semantic interoperability of software belonging to individual members of complex Virtual Organizations SIMDAT Testing and enhancing Grid data technologies; developing federated versions of Grid environments for commercial use UniGrids Extending Unicore towards OGSA compatibility, with components for database access, steering, control and brokerage Provenance Jun 2004 Jun 2005Jun 2006Jun 2007Jun 2008 Akogrimo CoreGRID DataMGrid GridCoord HPC4U InteliGrid K-WfGrid NextGrid OntoGrid SIMDAT UniGrids A group of Grid experts has presented its visions of directions of research in two Reports [1,2]. These Reports, starting from analysis of requirements and usage scenarios, present a research agenda and the list of the most important topics from three points of view: end-user, architectural, and software. Integrated Projects Specific Targeted Research Projects Networks of Excellence Specific Support Actions Applications Middleware & Infrastructure Academic Commercial Akogrimo CoreGRID DataMiningGrid GridCoord HPC4U InteliGrid K-WfGrid NextGrid OntoGrid Provenance SIMDAT UniGridS Start dates and duration IP STREP NoE SSA CoreGRID Akogrimo NextGrid SIMDAT DataMiningGrid HPC4U InteliGrid K-WfGrid OntoGrid Provenance UniGridS GridCoord Project funding Project focus chart Akogrimo NextGrid SIMDAT DataMiningGrid HPC4U InteliGrid K-WfGrid OntoGrid Provenance UniGrids ReliabilitySecurity and Trust PersistenceScalabilityOpennessPervasivenessSelf- Management FlexibilityResilienceTransparenceStandards- based Info. repres. of elements on the Grid Coord. and Orchestr. of Grid elements System Mgmt VOsBusiness Model Grid EconomiesUser Interface [1] Next Generation Grid(s). European Grid Research Expert Group Report, June 2003, [2] Next Generation Grids 2. Reqirements and Options for European Grids Research Expert Group Report, July 2004, [3] European Grid Technology Days Properties 2. Facilities 3. Models Marian Bubak 1,2 Piotr Nowakowski 2 1 Institute of Computer Science AGH, Mickiewicza 30, Kraków, Poland 2 Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET, Nawojki 11, Kraków, Poland € Millions CoreGRID