1 Short overview of the legal and institutional framework of protected sites, existing ecological networks Short overview of the legal and institutional framework of protected sites, existing ecological networks Session 2 Kosovo REReP regional meeting on “ Towards Natura 2000 in South Eastern Europe ” May 29th, 2009 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 Status of legal framework of protected sites and existing ecological networks The basic law for protected areas and biodiversity is the Law on nature conservation (2006/22) with number of by laws and regulations. Law on “Sharri Mountains” National Park (13/86); Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment nr.003 – ; Law on Environment protection no. 03/L ; Law on Environmental Impact Assessment no. 006 – ; Law on Genetically Modified Organisms no.03/L – ; Law on Forest (2003/6 and 2004/40); Law on hunting (2006/41); Law on Fishery and Aquaculture (2006/58); Strategic documents: Kosovo Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development 2005 – 15 with Action Plan
3 Status of legal framework of protected sites and existing ecological networks Kosovo Assembly as highest legislative body with functional commission for Agriculture and Environment Government – consisted by 14 Ministries Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) - responsible to create policies, implement laws and monitoring in environment including nature conservation and biodiversity. Structures under MESP Division for Nature Protection, Institute for Nature Protection (within KEPA), National Park Administration Structures under Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development: Department of forestry Structures under Ministry of Culture youth and Sport: Nature Museum
4 Status of legal framework of protected sites and existing ecological networks The national network of protected areas is consisted by 75 nature protected areas with total surface ha (4,25% of Kosovo territory). Nature reserves 11; National Park 1; Nature Monument 59; Regional Park 2; and Forestry park 2. Proposed areas for protection are 195 including a new National Park.
5 Ongoing regional and cross-border projects “Enhancing Tran boundary Biodiversity Management in South Eastern Europe” United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the South East European Mountain Region
6 Proposals and planned projects Initiative “Bjeshket e Nemuna (KS) – Prokletije (MN) and Alpet Shqiptare (AL)” as Tran boundary Protected Area (TBPA). Initiative “Mali Sharr (KS) - Korabi (AL) and Shara mountain (MK) as TBPA. “Sustaining Rural Communities and their Traditional Landscapes through Environmental Governance in Tran boundary Protected Areas (TBPA) of the Dinaric Arc” with support from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland
7 Future priorities Adoption of New law on Nature conservation coherent with EU Directives and Regulations; Further detailed research of Natura 2000 sites Further monitoring of Natura 2000 species and habitat types Adoption of Strategy and Action Plan on Biodiversity Clarification of competencies and improvement of cooperation
8 Preliminary identification of Natura 2000 sites in Kosovo - Main Biodiversity hot spots and State of Nature Report published with support of EU and GTZ.
9 Short overview of regional and cross-border projects, future priorities Thank you for attention Ismail Hetemaj – Head of Nature Protection Division, DoE - MESP & Miradije Gerguri – Chief of Nature value sector