Overview of Windows and Microsoft Word Mrs. Masishin
Identifying Word Window Elements Files Tab Title Bar Minimize Restore/ Maximize Application Close Quick Access Toolbar Ribbons Scroll Bars View Buttons Status Bar Task Bar Insertion Point Zoom Slider
Operating System Performs 3 functions –Controls the hardware of the computer Screen, keyboard, disk drives, etc. –Enables software to run Microsoft Word –Determines how the user operates the computer and its programs and applications
Our Lab We are using Windows 7 operating system Our Microsoft Office Applications are all Office 2010 –Microsoft Office Word 2010 –Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 –Microsoft Office Excel 2010 –Microsoft Office Access 2010
Input devices Feeds information into a computer –Examples include: the keyboard, the mouse, a scanner, a joystick, etc. Picture compliments of: C-Tast_m_Nummernblock.jpg
Output Device Takes information out of the computer –Examples include: the printer, the monitor, and speakers
Drives Hard Drive –A rigid magnetic disk fixed permanently within a drive unit and used for storing computer data. –This is found as the C:/ Drive on your computer Floppy Drive –External storage device (portable) –A:/ Drive on your computer Home Drive –Stores your own personal documents –H:/ Drive on your computer
Modem This piece of equipment can either be internal or external and is used to send and receive information over phone and cable lines This picture is compliments of:
Microsoft Windows is a… GUI – Graphical User Interface Programs running under the operating system provide graphics called icons to carry out commands and run programs.
CPU Or Central Processing Unit The brain of the computer Takes the input and translates it into a form we can understand
The Applications we will explore Microsoft Word = Word Processing Microsoft PowerPoint = Presentation Graphics Microsoft Excel = Spreadsheet Microsoft Access = Database
Identifying the Home Ribbon Tab You need to be able to identify each of the previous buttons on this toolbar Font Bold Italic Underline Font Size Font Color Bullets Left Align Center Align Right Align Numbering Justify Decrease Indent Shading(Fill) Increase Indent Show/Hide Paragraph
Formatting Toolbar Left Align Font Bold Font Size Decrease Indent Italicize Center Align Right Align Numbering Font Color Bullets Increase Indent Underline
GUI stands for… Graphical User Interface
CPU stands for… Central Processing Unit
Our Applications Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel Microsoft Access Spreadsheet Word Processing Database Presentation
Our Lab What operating system –Windows 7 Microsoft Office 20??
Input Device vs. Output Device What are they? Give Examples
What is a modem? This piece of equipment can either be internal or external and is used to send and receive information over phone and cable lines
Drives Hard Drive Floppy Drive Home Drive C:/ Drive H:/ Drive A:/ Drive